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Among the Philistines

At night, there appears to be a massive car wreck, and that roadside workers and firemen are attending to them. However, this is merely a trap planned by Ironhorse and Harrison to snare the aliens. General Wilson is alerted by someone that the aliens will be stealing some chemicals, so Ironhorse's soldiers set the trap, and capture the three alien occupants in a truck. Harrison tells the soldiers that he wants the aliens alive but before they can do anything, the three aliens commit suicide. Ironhorse and Harrison are confused about this and feel as if the aliens almost knew that they were going to be taken.

Back at the Cottage, Harrison sinks into a dark depression after the ordeal. Ironhorse consoles him and tells him that he needs to pull himself together- not only for his own sake but for the sake of the mission. He assures Harrison that he will get out of the dark place that he is now. Ironhorse tells him that he knows what he's going through- in the difficulty of fighting an enemy that you are incapable of seeing. Then Ironhorse shares a story about how he and other soldiers had to maintain their position- and how that night seemed as if it was forever. But eventually, the mist cleared and the night disappeared. He tells Harrison that the mist will disappear. At the aliens cavern, an alien soldier informs the Advocacy that they have received news from the hijack operation and that all three of their men are dead. "Are you sure?" Advocate Xana asks. The soldier tells her yes, and she remarks, "At least we're doing something right."

Harrison finally finds out who sent General Wilson the tip-off about the aliens. The man who informed the general is a language expert named Adrian Bushard. And he has partially decoded the alien transmissions. He discusses his work with dolphins to the team and they reveal to him the truth behind the transmissions. They say that it was sent by extraterrestrials who are corresponding from space to their counterparts here on Earth- those who are a part of the 1953 invasion force. Harrison says that they come from a planet called Mor-Tax and that the remainder of the civilization- which will be a few million more aliens- will arrive on Earth within the span of four years. And their goal is global conquest. An amazed Adrian says that he has so many questions about this revelation.

He works with Norton in decoding the transmissions and although they make progress, they need something more along the lines of a super computer. Ironhorse is weary about it- and Adrian is offended that they won't allow him to help them at the Cottage. Harrison, Ironhorse, and Norton all agree that Adrian should assist them at the Cottage- because he's a remarkable asset. Ironhorse has checked out Adrian's background, and although everything checks out- Ironhorse is still unsure about it. Harrison tells Adrian that they want him to join them at the Cottage, and Adrian at first rejects the offer- then accepts. The team blindfold Adrian as they make their way to Cottage and outside, Debi and Mrs. Pennyworth greet the team. Mrs. Pennyworth has bought Debi a dog (named Guido I believe) and the dog is calm until he sees Adrian. The dog snaps and tries to attack him. Debi leads him away and Adrian tells Suzanne he's deathly afraid of dogs because he was attacked by one as a child. Adrian and Norton begin to make progress at deciphering the alien transmissions.

Adrian shows the team some of the transmissions and it hints that the aliens might be committing some act of chemical warfare. Ironhorse and Norton are practicing aikido and Norton quickly shatters Ironhorse's staff. To his shock, Ironhorse discovers that Norton's staff has an iron core. Harrison and Adrian discuss the possibility of Adrian working with the team permanently and Debi runs to Harrison asking if he's seen Guido. At the aliens cavern, the Advocacy are upset that they have been unable to provide counsel for a while but there is nothing they can do, since this plan is in motion. The team tell Ironhorse that they'd like to add Adrian to the team. Ironhorse thinks that if that's what they need- they'll get him. Adrian deciphers more transmissions, and in them it says a big alien operation is set for the next morning. Harrison, Ironhorse, Suzanne and Delta Squad leave. Adrian stays behind with Norton to be the eyes and ears for the team. After they leave, we soon discover that Adrian is an alien spy.

Ironhorse, Harrison and Suzanne notice that something is wrong with this alien mission, and Harrison calls Norton and asks him to recheck Adrian's formula. While Norton is away, Adrian begins to copy the entire data on the Blackwood Project. Debi arrives and Adrian keeps her occupied by letting her watch a video of his two dolphins. Mr. Kensington notices Guido hanging from the closet- dead. He tells Norton that the dog has been killed, and Norton realizes that Adrian is an alien infiltrator. Norton and Kensington cut off the phone line and the team realizes that something is happening at the Cottage. Harrison realizes their guest is an alien and the team rush back.

Kensington goes to get one of Ironhorse's weapons while Norton goes back to his lab to get Debi. He convinces her to leave and as Adrian grows suspicious, Norton strikes Adrian- sending him sprawling. As Adrian tries to get to Norton- Debi tells Kensington that Norton is still upstairs with Adrian. Outside the Cottage, Ironhorse is forced to break into the compound since the security system won't allow them in. Kensington confronts Adrian and tries to stop him but he is quickly strangled to death by the alien. Adrian breaks through Norton's barrier, and he demands that Norton stop.

He tries to assure Norton that they want the same thing which is peace and cooperation. Initially, Adrian mocks Norton's handicap, but Norton quickly assualts the alien with strikes from his staff. Mrs. Pennyworth and Debi tell Ironhorse that Norton is trapped inside, and while inside, Ironhorse discovers Kensington's body. Adrian throws Norton out of his wheelchair and as he prepares to kill him, Norton outsmarts him. Norton calls for Gertrude to go forward and it sends Adrian into the chair. As it moves forward, Norton shoves one end of the staff into Adrian's chest and the other end into an electical box- thus killing the spy. After Harrison asks where Kensington is, Ironhorse tells him he didn't make it. A somber Norton admits that he died to save his life. Later, we see a night-time funeral for Kensington that the team attends.

COMMENTS: A good episode that picks up serious steam towards the end. And the ending is one of the best of the series. Philip Akin was extraordinary in this episode and his sadness in the end was very moving. Akin holds a third-degree black belt in aikido which played a role in this episode. In interviews, Akin admitted that after this episode, he pulled his upper thighs during the fight scene with Adrian and that the fight was done in basically one day. And there were three takes of Adrian dropping Norton on concrete which shook Akin's body. Cedric Smith, the actor who plays Adrian was also quite frightening in his performance. Smith's real life spouse has connections to WOTW- he's married to actress Catherine Disher, who portrayed the alien Mana on the second season of WOTW. And in my opinion, was the only good thing to come out of the second season in a way. Also, I realized in this episode, how much I preferred the first season Debi to the self-centered, annoying brat of year 2.

However, there are some questions that must be mentioned. How would the team know that the aliens are from Mor-Tax? Was this in Dr. Forrester's notes? And how could they possibly know that millions of the alien colonists were arriving within four years? I believe this episode was meant to follow "The Prodigal Son"- since Quinn reveals this information to Harrison when he takes him hostage. It's a question of continuity- but nevertheless, a solid episode that builds to a great conclusion.

Ironhorse and Harrison spring a trap on the aliens

Dr. Adrian Bushard meets the team

Norton shows Ironhorse the trick up his sleeve