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The Last Supper

In Philadelphia, a bus takes Norton, Harrison and Suzanne to a campus for a top secret international meeting on the aliens. Sgt. Coleman tells the three beforehand to wear their security IDs at all times because their troops have been handled to deal with anyone not wearing one. Harrison, Norton and Suzanne arrive at the campus and meet with Ironhorse. The Colonel informs Harrison of two security anomalies. The representative from Sri Lanka couldn't go through the heat sensor ID because she's wearing a pacemaker. And there is a last minute replacement for Russia, so his heat sensor ID didn't work. Harrison wonders why Russia had the sudden replacement. Inside the gymnasium, Harrison, Norton and Suzanne meet with the other delegates of this meeting. They introduce themselves- and the other delegates are: Leonid Argochev from Russia, Gabriel Morales from Peru, Dr. Soo Tak from China, Jerry Raymond from New Zealand, Sunethra Menathong from the Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and Morris Bernubi from Africa. Harrison tells them all that the purpose of this meeting is to discuss and share information on the alien crisis. And it could very well determine what life forms will live on this planet in the future.

Meanwhile, at the aliens cavern, Advocate Xana finishes a communication with an alien operative. Xana informs Advocates Oshar and Horek that one of their units has reported of a meeting of humans from across the planet who knows of their existence. Oshar comments that he finds it amusing that it has taken the humans so long to organize any global resistance. Horek says that this meeting could be a major opportunity for them. If they find the location of that meeting and destroy those human leaders, their task on this planet would be considerably easier. Xana agrees, "Your counsel is wise. This shall be our number one priority."

During day two, some delegates squabble with Argochev about how the meeting is to proceed. Harrison lets Norton begin with the United States presentation. Norton gives a run down of the aliens. They've visited this planet for 2,000 years using various different ships. The main invasion was in 1953, where they invaded globally. They would have won if they did succumb to common bacteria. The government stored the remains of what they thought were dead aliens in steel drums at various dump sites. At Fort Jericho, a group of terrorists arrived and accidently sprang the aliens loose. According to Suzanne's account there are about 1,000-5,000 aliens in the United States. And Harrison says the record keeps growing. He mentions that they have had contact with a renegade mutant alien called Quinn who has confirmed their darkest fear. The aliens goal is world domination and within four years millions of aliens are going to arrive to colonize the Earth. Through a process of cell-phase matching, the aliens are able to possess human hosts. The alien cells overtake the human cells through osmosis. The alien is between 5 1/2- 7 1/2 feet tall. They are bipeds and have a cyclops eye. And they have three arms, with three fingers, and three toes. They cannot possess animals or children because they need a minimal body mass to do so. The team show Elyse Conway's video footage of alien possession (from "A Multitude of Idols"). Harrison says that unless they transcend bipartisanship, they might as well hand the planet over to the aliens.

Later on during day two of the meeting, Argochev talks to Suzanne about her work. She asks about his and he remains rather secretive. Harrison talks to Soo Tak about the aliens in China. Over there- there are approximately, 10,000 aliens. Ironhorse is worried about this meeting. He doesn't have many men with him, and he is cautious about the Russian delegate. Norton tries to get Ironhorse to relax but he doesn't budge. Back at the cavern, Oshar stares at the television and asks Horek why does he enjoy looking at it. Horek says that he doesn't know but he likes it too. Xana informs Oshar and Horek that intelligence has collected vital information about the meeting. It is taking place in Philadelphia. Oshar says it's imperative they find that meeting. Xana assures them that their kind is spreading across the city as they speak. Morales does his presentation and says although there is no history of aliens in his country, he does believe aliens walked his country for thousands of years. During an excavation at the Andes, an alien artifact was uncovered that emits a sound like the alien transmission signal sounds. Norton does a run-down on the aliens technology and how they build their weapons, and everything else from materials based on the Earth. Ironhorse interrupts and hands Harrison a note from the security desk. Harrison announces that one of the delegates has accused Morales of faking his presentation.

Harrison calms everything down for a while and everyone takes a breather. At the cavern, the Advocacy are berating a specific operative for being inefficient and not finding the location of that meeting. Xana suggests that they send operatives who are efficient for this type of situation. Argochev admits he made the claim because he has discovered that someone at this meeting is actually an alien. Harrison and Suzanne are about to conduct a blood test to discover the spy but Morales refuses the blood test. And Menathong asks if she can contact her home country before the test and Soo Tak asks the same question. The Advocacy learn of the location of the meeting from their spy who has infiltrated the meeting. The alien soldiers get organized and head to the meeting- armed with weapons. And several truckloads of aliens are arriving to battle.

Harrison insists that he will be able to find out the spy, even after Ironhorse admits that he is worried about the security of the meeting. Outside, the aliens storm the campus and Ironhorse and his soldiers fight them off but the odds are against them since the aliens are greater in numbers. Ironhorse tells Harrison they're under attack and Harrison suggests they surrender to the aliens. This ploy tricks the alien to reveal herself- it's Sunethra Menathong. She has Ironhorse's gun which is empty. Cornered, she jumps out a window before allowing herself to be caught. The team hide some of the delegates as Ironhorse, Harrison, Norton, Argochev and Raymond exit. Desperate, Ironhorse comes up with a plan to ambush the aliens- and he has them attacked from all sides and they are destroyed. Though they have won, Harrison knows there will be another battle after this.

COMMENTS: This was basically a "clip show" that allowed newer viewers to get familiar with the whole concept of WOTW, the aliens and what has been going on since the beginning of the series. Why didn't the team use the trusty Geiger Counter to determine who was the alien and who wasn't? They should have been more careful about letting a possible alien into the meeting. I enjoyed the Advocates in this episode- their discussion about television was hilarious. I would have liked to seen more of Sgt. Coleman- she is a rather interesting secondary character and her and Ironhorse make a good pair. Speaking of Ironhorse, although Richard Chaves didn't have much to do in this episode (but he will in the next one- trust me), he did a fine job of showing his concern over the Russian delegate and his paranoia was captured well.

Gabriel Morales during his presentation

Ironhorse tells Harrison about the accusation by one of the delegates

Sunethra Menathong is revealed as the spy