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The Second Seal

Norton tells Harrison of a discovery he's come across- the specific location of the materials and documents of Operation Deep Ice, which was an investigation of Clayton Forrester on the alien invasion of 1953. Norton tells Harrison that the alien artifacts, maps, and records are all kept in underground vaults at Fort Streeter which is in the Bay area. Harrison is startled the legacy of Dr. Forrester that he has searched for has been under his feet the entire time.

General Wilson gives the team permission to enter the vaults where the records are held. General Masters introduces the team to Lt. Amanda Burke, who will take them to the underground vaults, and will help them out. Lt. Hamill is the only on duty-officer besides Burke, who knows how to get down to the underground vaults. Earlier, Masters told his soldiers to get a local newsteam out of the Army base. MPs arrive to take them away, but to their shock, the newspeople, are actually aliens, and some aliens possess the bodies of the MPs too along with the body of Captain Murphy. When Masters prepares to leave for a dinner banquet, his driver- another alien- possesses his body. Meanwhile, the aliens decide that they will storm the base and vaults at nightfall.

Lt. Burke takes the team down to the vaults. Harrison checks out the vault, and sees nothing there basically. There are many locked vaults but Burke can not allow them to open them without authorization from General Masters or another high-ranking official. Ironhorse says that maybe he can talk to the General about it at the banquet Masters invited him to. Ironhorse leaves and notices the newspeople still there, and the MPs. Feeling wary, Ironhorse enters his car and leaves. Masters- now possessed- is still at the base. Frustrated, Harrison feels that there is more there than just one empty vault. He asks Norton for help and Norton looks into it. While Harrison naps, Suzanne and Burke talk about Burke's obvious crush on Lt. Hamill. Burke asks Hamill if he is interested in going to the opera with her and he declines saying that he has plans for a monster truck show. He later goes outside and is met by General Masters who leads him to an alien who takes over his body.

Norton tips Harrison off that the perfect way to encrypt something is to do it intentionally. He tells Harrison to try deliberate misspellings of Operation Deep Ice. Harrison and Suzanne enter one vault and Harrison comes across an alien crystal. The power of the crystal sends him backwards into boxes, and suddenly, Harrison succumbs to the narcotic effects of the alien crystal. He tries the crystal out on Suzanne, who heavily becomes effected by the crystal due to exposure by it. The aliens storm the base and try to get to the vaults via the elevator but they can't due to a security pass. Masters advises that they must consult the Advocacy.

The Advocates tell them that the security pass must be able to detect the alien presence in the human host body. The Advocacy tell their soldiers they must find another method because they need that list. Masters tells Hamill to use Burke. Meanwhile, Harrison is sobering up, trying to figure out what is going on, while Suzanne is still using the crystal. Harrison swipes it away from her, so she won't misuse it anymore. Hamill seduces Burke, and leads her to the elevator asking her if they can have some privacy in there. She gives the password via her voice and they enter the elevator. They continue to kiss but Amanda becomes worried and tells Hamill- "Not like this". He then possesses her body, as Masters and the other aliens are now able to storm the underground vaults. Harrison notices that there is a swarm of aliens down in the vaults now, and the aliens are looking for a specific something which is a list containing the whereabouts of 10,000 comatose aliens in storage drums. The aliens retrieve it and plan to pass it on to the Advocacy.

Norton picks up that Harrison and Suzanne are in trouble and alerts Ironhorse to this, who after finding General Masters missing from his own reception, speeds back to the base. Harrison and Suzanne come across the alien carrying the list back, and use the crystal as a weapon, sending him backwards. Harrison gets the list and along with Suzanne- they run away. Ironhorse sees that the aliens have invaded the base and he prepares to fight his way to Suzanne and Harrison. The alien who had the list tells Masters that the humans have the list. Masters tells the others to find them, get the list, and kill them. He also tells the soldier that since he has failed, it is time that he "Fulfills his obligation". He hands him a gun and the alien soldier kills himself. After killing the alien guard, Ironhorse storms the base, shooting and killing every alien in nearby sight. Harrison and Suzanne run to the elevators and escape as the aliens set the demolition charges in the vaults. Apparently everything below is destroyed.

A wounded Ironhorse asks Harrison and Suzanne if they're aliens, as they ask him the same question back. Meanwhile, Captain Murphy, badly burned from the fire crawls up to the top floor. The team discuss what happened and the effects of the crystal. Murphy slowly grabs a gun and runs out of the base with the list. Ironhorse runs out and shoots him, but the alien is at the side of the body falling forward. They run to the side, and see a decomposing alien body, but no list. The container is empty. Was it destroyed in the blast below? Or do the aliens have it?

COMMENTS: Patrick Barry's script was a real fast-paced outing. It really was heavy on action and expanded some information on Dr. Forrester's research. We also saw some new alien weapons being employed- which could have been part of their ships. We're not really sure. Good casting in this episode from the choice of Lynne Griffin as the likeable Amanda Burke to the casting coup of the great Greg Morris (of Mission Impossible) as General Masters. One of my favorite episodes because of the humor, storyline, fast-pace, and the action. This episode is definitely one of the best outings of the show.

The team meet Lt. Amanda Burke

Harrison feels the effects of the alien crystal

Ironhorse readies himself for battle