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Hall Of Fame

for the

USS Lancelot NCC-74410

This page is dedicated to the former players of the USS Lancelot. Over the years there have been several players that have made a lasting positive impact to the ship. These players have left a legacy that impacted each player in a positive fashion and made the Lancelot into the great ship that it is today. This is our way of saying thanks to them for what they have done for us.

Criterea for nomination to the USS Lancelot Hall of Fame:

  • Has to have been a member of the USS Lancelot in good standing.
  • Should be a former member of the crew, however if the player returns he/she will not be removed.
  • Should have contributed to the fun of others in a tangible way.

    (Listed alphabetically by Character's last name)

  • Commander Coulten Jaevans Datz

    Played by Cian Benoit, Crew Member from July 2000 to June 2001
    Received several awards and made several posts that were an inspiration to this crew. Left the Lancelot to become the Executive Officer of Starbase 98. Went on to Command that ship, and founded another simulation where he is currently the Fleet Commander in Chief.

    Lieutenant Commander Andrea Hawkins

    Crew Member from The Beginning to April 2001
    One of the Founding players, Ms Hawkins was instrumental in creating the ship that we have today. With brilliant story twists and a cool Character, Hawkins defined for many of us how the sim should be played. To this day her holographic Cat roams the corridors of the USS Lancelot.

    Captain Max Kelly

    Played by Mark Hyacinth, Crew Member from the Beginnings in Gamma fleet to July 2002
    There have been few members of this ship that have contributed as much as Captain Kelly. Awarded an unprecedented THREE Stars of Starfleet, Captain Kelly, through his fantastic writing, quiet Dignity, and open hearted good naturedness was instrumental in the command of this ship first as Second Officer, then as Executive Officer, and Finally as the Commanding Officer.

    Lieutenant Rebecca Marshall

    Played by Dawn Walsh, Crew member from February 2000 to July 2001
    Became Chief of Security and made several modifications to the Security page that we have today. Created the Marine Page we have today as well as several other behind the scenes activities that went unrewarded. Two time awardee of the Star of Starfleet.

    Commodore Fyed S'Slanne

    Played by John Gresham, Crew Member from February 2000 to November 2000
    Instrumental in getting the Lancelot back on track. Under his command the Lancelot expanded from 30 posts a month to 200 posts a month. Several things were added to the Lancelot simulation.

    If you have a nomination for the Lancelot Hall of Fame notify The CO or the XO.