The Delta Flyer


Type: General purpose interstellar Craft
Unit Run: One Unit only
Length: 30 M
Beam: 9 M
Height : 6 M
Decks: 1
Mass: 75 Tons
Crew: 1-5
Defence Systems: Unimatrix Shield System, (borg) Total capacity 108,000 TeraJoules Light Parametallic single hull. Standard level Structural Integrity Field

Some Other Facts

Warp Speeds:

Normal Cruise: Warp 6
Maximum Cruise: Warp 6.8
Maximum Rated: Warp 7.2 for twelve hours


  • 2 X Type IV Phaser cannon
  • Total output 1.500 TeraWats
  • 2 X Photonic misslile
  • 18 torpedoes

Details, Details

Diplomatic Capability: Grade 1
Expected Hull Life: 75 Years

The Flyer's History

The Delta Flyer was designed to be a high-tech, nearly invulnerable, 24th century "hot rod". This shuttle was designed by Tom Paris (with more moderate design aspects by Tuvok, and hull plating design and advanced weapons by Seven of Nine).

The Delta Flyer is intended to be a Multipurpose vessel along the lines of a heavy duty Shuttle or Runabout. The craft incorporates many systems unique to a Starfleet design - a result of the Borg and other technology Voyager has encountered on its journey home.

The hull of the Delta Flyer is highly aerodynamic, and is composed of tetraburnium alloys with parametallic plating. The warp nacelles are variable geometry, reflecting Voyagers own warp drive system. The lay-out is fairly conventional - a large cabin occupies the front portion, with the engineering section aft feeding folding nacelles to port and starboard. The EPS conduits is the plasma manifold are isomagnetic, minimizing power losses and increasing engine efficiency. There is a small cargo bay and transporter system installed in the Flyer, along with the various systems usually associated with vessel of this Type. The area where the Delta Flyer differs most from Starfleet designs is in the defence systems. The Unimatrix shielding was developed by Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, while the weapons array developed by Seven of Nine is based on Borg technology and includes photonic missiles.

While most of the Delta Flyer's control systems are conventional, the helm controls are based on those of early to mid 20th century aircraft - a choice made by Lieutenant Paris for aesthetic reasons. Paris also wanted to add dynametric tail fins to the nacelles, claiming that an intimidating look would deter attackers, but he was overruled.

A vessel like the Delta Flyer is a good example of Starfleet's recent policy of allowing Starships the freedom to develop their own shuttle designs - although in this case Starfleet naturally had no say in the matter. The Intrepids were one of the first ships designed to produce field-replicated and field-designed shuttles, and Voyager's success in producing a vessel of this size and capability is further proof that Starfleet's policy is the correct one. On the Flyer's first mission it successfully rescued an advanced probe from deep within a gas giants atmosphere, and since this time it has proved to be highly successful in service.

However, the Flyer was destroyed in the latest encounter with the Borg. It was resurrected in Season Seven, but there has been no evidence of any design changes.

Thanks to The Starfleet Database for all of this wonderful information!

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