Voyager Schematics, Specifications,
and Other Useful Information


Design Specifications

Naval Construction Contract: 74656
Class: Intrepid
Commissioned: Stardate 48038.5 (the year 2371)
Decks: 15
Length: 343 meters
Height: 133 meters
Maximum sustainable speed: Warp 9.975
Refit Cycle (needed after):

  • Minor: 1 year
  • Standard: 5 years
  • Major: 20 years

Captain History: Captain Kathryn Janeway

Computer Specifications

Crew Interface Software: LCARS 2.3
Access Time: 4,600 Kiloquads/Second
Number of dedicated modules: 2,048
Capacity/Module: 630,000 Kiloquads
Simultaneous access to 47 million data channels
Transluminal processing at over 8 trillion calculations per nanosecond
Operational temperature margins from 10 degrees Kelvin to 1,790 degrees Kelvin

Warp Engine Specifications

Warp Reactor: M/ARA Mark II
Normal Cruise Speed: Warp 6
Max Cruise Speed: Warp 9.975
Fuel (Matter Injector): Cold Deuterium
Fuel (Anti-Matter Injector): Anti-Hydrogen (Anti-Matter)
Fuel Replenishment: Bussard Ramscoop

Impulse Engine Specifications

Impulse Reactors: 3
Impulse Reactor Fuel: Slush Deuterium

Transporter Specifications

Personnel Transporters - Quantum Resolution (Life Form): 4
Emergency Transporters - High Volume (Scan Only): 2
Cargo Transporters - Molecular (Non-Life Form): 2

Communications Systems Specifications

Intra Ship: Voice and Data
Personal Comm-Badge Range: 500,000 Metres
Ship to Ground Comms Range: 38,000,000 to 60,000,000 Metres
Ship to Ship Comms Transfer Speed: 18.5 Kiloquads/Second
Subspace Comms Speed: Warp 9.9997

Sensor Systems Specifications

Long Range
High Resolution Range: 5 Light Years
Medium Resolution Range: 17 Light Years

Weaponry Specifications

Main Ship Type X Phasers: 5.1MW
Phaser Banks: 13
Personal Type I, II & III Phasers: 0.01MW
Fore & Aft Torpedo Launchers: 3
Max. Torpedo Simultaneous Spread: 10
Fore & Aft Tricobalt Launchers: 3
Max Tricobalt Simultaneous Spread: 7


Other Useful Information

The Intrepid Class Ship

One of Starfleet's newest starships, the Intrepid Class starship is very small in comparison with other starships. Combined with it's great maneuverability, speed, and vast array of weapons, the Intrepid Class starship is designed mostly for war type scenarios. For this reason, it has very limited room for family quarters.

Belonging to the Intrepid Class are the starships U.S.S. Intrepid, which was the testbed for the Intrepid Class, U.S.S. Voyager, which was lost near the Badlands on stardate 48307.5.

At the time the ship was lost, though the Voyager was a very small starship, it was also one of the most high-tech Federation starships. It had a sustainable cruise velocity of warp 9.975, and a much improved computer system which included bio-neural circuitry rather than the traditional optical processors. It was also quipped with conventional isolinear optical circuits.

Deck by Deck

Deck # Major Feature
Deck 1 Main bridge, Captains Ready room, Senior Officer's,
Deck 2 Mess Hall
Deck 3 Captains and Crew Quarters aft torpedo Launcher
Deck 4 Primary Transporters, crew quarters, aft torpedo launcher
Deck 5 Sick Bay, Crew Quarters
Deck 6 Holodecks One and Two, Astromatrics lab, Auxilary computer core
Deck 7 Auxilary computer core, deuterium tanks, crew quarters
Deck 8 Deuterium tanks, Crew Quarters
Deck 9 Former Location of security but deck nine has been shut down to conserve energy
Deck 10 Areaowing shuttle, primary computer core deflector dish, shuttle bay CARGO, crew quarters
Deck 11 main engineering, primary computer core, main deflector dish, forward torpedo launchers, main shuttle bay Crew quarters, Shuttle bay CARGO.
Deck 12 Primary computer core main deflector dish, Reserve warp core, crew quarters.
Deck 13 Landing pads, science labs crew quarters.
Deck 14 Anti-matter storage pods
Deck 15 Ground hover pads

Notable Features

Variable Geometry Warp Nacelles

Intrepid Class Starships emply a folding wind-and-nacelle configuration that no longer has a negative impact on subspace. Incorporating a device called a quantum charge reversal device, or anti-matter generator, provides the power necessary to run the warp engines. The anti-matter reaction is "tuned" through the dilithium chamber containing a theta-matrix compositing system which is used to recrystallize "used" dilithium.

Bussard Collectors

The front of the warp engine nacelles incorporate a set of powerful electromagnetic coils called a Bussard Collector. When the ship is travelling at high speed, these coils generate an electromagnetic field which collects stray atoms of interstellar hydrogen for use as fuel.

Photon Torpedoes

There are four photon torpedo launchers on the Intrepid Class starship; two at the lower front and two at the top rear of the Engineering Hull. Photon torpedoes are "smart" weapons and are capable of tracking a moving target. Torpedoes are usually launched in clusters, each independently targeted. The explosive power of a torpedo can be varied by the amount of anti-matter loaded into the magnetic bottle inthe casing. Special Note: U.S.S. Voyager is equipped with new microtorpedoes, roughly the size of computer chips.


Phasers, or Phased Energy Rectification, are the class's primary offensive weapon. Phaser banks are located in the upper and lower phaser strips and the two mid-hull phaser strips of the Primary Hull as well as a ventral strip on the underside of the Engineering Hull.

Impulse Engines

The impulse drive is powered by a series of fusion reactors located in both aft wings on Deck 11. Another set of fusion reactors provides auxiallary power to keep systems operational when both the warp drive and impulse reactors are off-line. The impulse fusion reactors are fueled by frozen Hydrogen, also called Deuterium.


Located at the rear of the Engineering Hull on Decks 9 and 10, most Intrepid Class vessels carry two standard shuttlecrafts, four shuttlepods, and four EVA (Extra-Vehicular Activity) Workpods.

AeroWing Shuttle

The bottom of the Primary Hull, or saucer, holds a single aerodynamic shuttle capable of atmospheric travel as well as interplanetary flight at speeds up to Warp 3. The AeroWing can carry various combinations of crew and cargo; the usual flight complement numbers four crewmembers.

Ship's Life Expectancy

Expected Lifetime: 100 Years

Crew Complement

Officers: 40
Enlisted Crew: 100
Civilians: 80
Total Emergency Capacity: 900

Diplomatic Capability:

Grade 3

  • Diplomats housed in crew quarters if required
  • 1 x 80 square metre conference room for 40 guests
  • 2 x 40 square metre 10 seat briefing rooms
  • Communications via standard ships systems
  • 15% of all facilities, including interconnecting corridors
  • capable of supporting H or K environments

Thanks to The Starfleet Database for all of this wonderful information!

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