You know you're a....

By A'Lehsen

Written: June 1999, Updated August 2000

I thought up this one after seeing this list on USS Voyager. Any that are hers I will put a ( * ) beside, just to let you know. Most of this is original, since her list was mainly oriented toward ALL the Star Trek shows/fans. This is a list purely for us Voyager wackos.

You know you're a Voyager FAN if: You know you're a Voyager MANIAC if:
you wear a Starfleet uniform to a party. * you wear a Starfleet uniform to jury duty. *
you watch Robert Duncan McNeill on TV with a big grin on your face. you watch Robert Duncan McNeill at night, in the bushes outside his house with a big grin on your face.
you ask your favorite actor for his autograph. * you ask your favorite actor for a baby. *
a Voyager actor says hi to you at a convention. a Voyager actor nervously says hi to you while signalling for security at a convention.
you debate with someone who thinks classic Trek is best. * you kill someone who thinks classic Trek is best. (What do THEY know anyway? They don't deserve to live!) *
you name your son Tom. you name your son Tom, and if his hair isn't blond you dye it, if his eyes aren't blue you get him contacts as soon as he's old enough, and you insist that he go into the Air Force and become a pilot.
you talk to your friends about Voyager constantly. you tie your (non-Trekkie) friends to their chairs so that you can give them a lecture on the entire course of the show over the past six years, including subplots and what happens with them. (re-education is good!)
you put up a few posters in your room. you put up more than 25 posters, fifty pictures, and two calendars in you room. :)
you write fanfic about your favorite characters. you write fanfic about how you met your favorite characters on Voyager because of some crazy situation. :)
you spend a few minutes after each episode thinking about how much better you could have written certain scenes. you spend hours after every episode online complaining to your friends about the lack of certain elements that you think should have been included and plotting revenge on the evil and incompetent writers! Bwahahaha!!!
you are worried when you hear rumors that the producers are going to get rid of your favorite relationship. you are so panicked when you hear rumors that the producers are going to get rid of your favorite relationship that you begin letter-writing campaigns and spend hours of online time discussing the reprecussions of such an unfortunate act. *g*
you hear a different and much more substantiated rumor about your favorite couple getting engaged and married and having a baby and you are happy. you hear a different and much more substantiated rumor about your favorite couple getting engaged and married and having a baby and you are so happy that any time anyone mentions the up coming season you start babbling on and on about how great it is that the writers have finally come to their senses and started to respect the needs of P/Ters and isn't it wonderful that Tom and B'Elanna are going to get together and how could anyone have ignored them for so long and you wonder if the wedding is going to be traditional or Starfleet or something they sort of custom-make for themselves and is the baby going to even look a quarter Klingon and will it be a boy or a girl and what names would be good? (lol)
you wonder every once in a while what's going to happen at the end of the series. you spend long hours each day plotting out different endings for the series and sending them into the producers hoping beyond hope that they'll be accepted.
you hope that there's a good ending to Voyager. you hope that they make it home and everyone gets to stay out of prison and there's lots of angst-filled but happy reunions and life will be perfect for the crew from now on. (hey, why the heck not?!)
you browse Voyager web pages. * you make Voyager web pages! :) :) *

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