Emergency Medical Hologram
(otherwise known here as Doc)

(Doc's internal fuming) You know, I really wish they'd let me know when the ship is going to be pulled into an area of space 75,000 lightyears away from Earth. Oh, and it'd be helpful to know that the CMO gets killed at the same time. It helps to keep up-to-date on current events, or so my programmer always said.

He didn't see what was so funny about this particular malfunction, but I did!!!

The Doc looks at B'Elanna indulgently as he uses technology so obviously superior to the medicine wheel she proposes hanging up. (Oh, and just to let you know, the wheel worked better than that technology.)

Doc thought that he had plenty of compassion for his patients--until he gave himself the 29-hour Livodian flu!!! Then he realized the kind of hell he was putting the poor innocent patients through. However, since he didn't stop all that much, does that mean he's a sadist?

(internal thought) Yes, I'm brilliant. Did you doubt it?

All levity aside here. The doc must face loosing a very special patient--Samantha Wildman's baby daughter. However, maybe a miracle will occur (or the ship's double will take her and they'll survive while his Voyager destroys itself).

Doc has to learn to face death in the family he created for himself.

"I'm detecting elevated hormonal levels." (it's not P/T, not really......well, maybe it is a bit)

Computer, activate Emergency Medical Hologram...no, not that one! I mean the other one!

Doc reads poetry to keep himnself from going crazy with guilt. (although if you ask me he made the only decision he could have)

Aaww, Doc is so proud of the BorgBabies and their BorgMommy (the kids and Seven, if you needed that translation).

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