Captain Kathryn Janeway

"Set a course, Mr. Paris. For home." (Well, duh! What other direction does she suggest they choose?)

"There's coffee in that nebula!!!" And the trouble those five words got them into....well, at least it generated the "Take the cheese to Sickbay!" line.

*snicker* Janeway is (I think) *snicker* concerned with *snicker* B'Elanna who is on Dreadnaught. *snicker* Ooooooohhhh!!! I can't take it any more!!!! That expression!!!!!! *laughs until the tears pour down her face*

"I'm smiling because I have no clue what's going on and I want to seem like a good sport. However, if someone doesn't tell me really soon I'm gonna get maaad!"

Janeway is concerned for...someone...I'm not sure who here. But she is concerned. I think.....her face is just so hard to read!!!!

"Are you telling me that this ship that miraculously appeared from out of nowhere that is supposed to be ours and will get us home in minutes is really a trap? I trusted you!" Come on, I could have figured out that there was just a bit more to the story than there appeared to be!!!!!!!

"I am Janeway of Borg. Resistance is futile. You will surrender and obey the Prime Directive, or I will demote you and throw you in the brig....unless you happen to be Harry Kim, and then I'll just give you my 'I'm so disappointed in you,' speech."
(B.E. asked me to say that she looks like an upset fish here. I agree.)

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