The Crew at Work at and Play

"At ease, Ensign, before you break something."
Even I couldn't do better.

Two women talking while the men look on in stupification....well, it's hardly an extraordinary event, is it? Of course, the fact that these women have I.Q.s which are probably larger than most of those of the men gathered here combined (we won't count Tuvok or Harry, who actually is intelligent just too passive) is a major contributor to the men's cofusion.

Our first introduction to the Scourge of Voyager, the infamous leola root!!!

"Well, Captain, even though it's all melted together into a big lump, I can tell that this was a piece of Starfleet technology. And, if I look at it closer, I see certain *insert technobabble* that point to a replicator....well, what do you know! The tricorder says I'm right!"

"Seska, we are so ashamed of you. Masquerading around as a Maquis, which was what our beloved Tuvok did, and keeping up that lie here on Voyager! Not to mention sending secret transmissions to the Kazon and giving them precious little bits of our technology, which we must horde carefully or we'll get in lotsa trouble when we get home. Besides, we don't have enough scraps to make new shuttles as it is. That replicator might have given components to aid one of the dozen new shuttles we're building!"

Friends watch out for each other, but sometimes it's best to leave things be.

They have a new toy to play with! Yay!

Saying goodbye to your best friend is hard to do. Thank goodness he came back!

"We're Starfleet officers. Weird is part of the job."
Again, couldn't have done better.

I just wanted to have a picture of Sulu here. Doesn't his voice just send chills down your spine?

Come on, Doc! This isn't a family! It's an advertisement for "Leave it to Beaver", a show which, I might add, went off the air over three centuries ago!

Seven's idea of perfection. It's beautiful, yes, but....oh, well, whatever floats your boat.

"Good night, everyone! Sleep well."
"Tom, get back in your pod!"
"I mean it, Tom!"
"Thomas Eugene Paris, get your but back in that pod or there will be Hell to pay!"

"I don't need your help!" ~B'Elanna
"Too bad. You're going to get it anyway, before you kill yourself!" ~Chakotay
(note: These are not actual quotes)

The future mourns the past.

A toast to happy endings. May we all have one.

The boys gather around the bar, just like nineteenth-century men would...or twentieth or twenty-first century men, for that matter!!!! I guess the more things change....

"And all bets are final....unless you're dating a certain half-Klingon who could break my nose without even trying...or unless you are that woman..."

The not-so-friendly alien is gone. Good riddance!

And here's the scene were they gave away the entire plot of the sixth season finale.
"I'm picking up no lifesigns." ~Doc
*nodding* "All right. Let's get out of here." ~Chuckles.

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