Lieutenant Thomas Eugene Paris

(I love being able to say that again!)

(internal thought) I'm going to break the Warp 10 barrier! Yay me! I'm going to be the most famous person in the Federation.....except that I'm not there, and I'm going to be turning into a slug after this. But, hey, life's not perfect!

He's cute and he knows it.

Tommy doesn't want to leave, but he feels he has to. (actually, he has to go recruite the help of the Talaxians in uncovering a Kazon plot that's been in the making since that damn Seska left)

You'll pay for trying to destroy Tommy's ship! He still has ALOT of milage he wants to put on it!

"I'm sorry, B'Elanna, that I didn't really say goodbye to you. And Chakotay, I'm sorry that the Captain couldn't trust you when she knew she could trust me with this very delicate mission. I'd like to apologize to all of the people whose lives I made a living hell during the last few months. The Captain would like to take full responsibility for that....."

"B'Elanna, is this a Klingon romance novel?" (internal thought) She's reading smut. Well, maybe there's hope for me yet!

(internal thought) Is it just me, or is something really weird going on here?

"Whatever you say, Captain. I know that I've got to follow your orders exactly or you might get angry and put me in the brig again. Heck, you might even decide that I'd make a better crewmen than ensign!"

Back to Holodeck Two.