Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres

Rebel Girl!!!! B'Elanna was a very good Maquis. She had just the right attitude.

I'm not sure what this look means. Maybe it's uncertainty....after all, if I have my scenes right, Janeway just told her that one of her teachers at Starfleet Academy LIKED her!

B'Elanna was uncomfortable giving orders at first, but after a while it became second nature!

(internal thought) There's no way to get out of this, is there?

A dramatic scene. The creator must destroy her creation to insure that the alien robots can't make new copies of themselves to keep an ancient war alive.

"I made a mistake. I made a bomb nearly sensient and now it's going to destroy a planet....but, hey, I didn't mean for it to! I just wanted to score on the Cardassians!"

"Sure I'll come to your holographic home and eat with your perfect holographic family, Doc. I have to warn you, though, that if I don't like them I'll change the program so that they'll make your life a living hell."

"I don't like the Day of Honor! I always have the worst, today I know I'm going to have a horrible fight with Tom, I'm going to have to eject the warp core, and Tom and I are going to be stuck drifting in space suits because the shuttle we were using to retrieve it blew up (surprise surprise)."

"Yuuum.....banana pancakes. Almost as good as Grandma used to make!"

(internal thought) Tom's in danger again. Damn it, can't that man just stay on Voyager and live a quiet life without trying to get himself killed once a week?

I just love that look. There's nothing more I can say. I love it!!!!

"I am an Eternal. You must obey me....and if you don't then I won't help you with this play which you all think is so wonderful, but which I don't think is so great because the guy playing Tom is kissing the girl playing Seven, and if that ever happened in real life I'd have to break some heads.....two in particular."

"Resistance is futile. A certain Helmboy WILL be mine no matter what!!! And I bet he'd find some of these implants pretty interesting........" *devious smile*

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