Lieutenant Commander Tuvok

Ever wonder where the Chronicle got the idea for "Secret Agent Man"? I think this was it. Tuvok, incognito as a Maquis pilot. Personally, I would have been suspicious of a Vulcan, who couldn't possibly feel outrage or the necessary emotions to leave Starfleet over this issue, wanting to be a Maquis. But that's just me......

"Take that! And that! I will destroy you all for the torture you put me through--what? I'm not supposed to feel revenge? Oh. Well, then, this is simply the expedient means of escape...really it is...."

"I'm always happy happy happy after a mind meld...."

And then I become a raging monster. No, wait, it's just Mr. Suder's influence on me.

(internal thoughts) Even though I am wishing those idiots the traditional Vulcan blessing, I can not wait to see the looks on their faces when the can't get into their quarters after this.

"Not only is my cake surperb, but as a bonus it's decorated with the algorythm needed to detect the aliens who wiped my memory. What a deal!"

"You're right, Neelix. I will miss your sense of humor.....except that I won't."

"Resistance is futile. You will become logical beings. There is no hope. Eventually you will realize that your emotions are hampering further evolution, and then you will spurn them in favor of calm and reason."

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