Season Three Quotes

Doctor: And then I can begin my new life as a tricorder.
~From "Displaced"

Janeway (to Chakotay): Three years ago, I didn't even know your name. Today, I can't imagine a life without you.
~From "Scorpion I"

Tom (about death): I guess all of us would avoid that kind of pain if we could, but most people don't have that chance.
~From "Real Life"

B'Elanna: You don't think I'm hostile, do you?
Harry: No, not hostile, not at all.
B'Elanna: I mean, I know I have a temper, but it's not that bad, is it?
Harry: Of course not.
B'Elanna: And if somebody called me hostile, they'd be way off base, wouldn't they?
Harry: Absolutely.
B'Elanna: Then why do you look like you're afraid for your life?
~From "Displaced"

Female Q: You know, I always did like Klingon females. You have such spunk.
~From "The Q and the Gray"

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