"Seven, the differnce between me and you is that I make being a Borg look good!"

The Great BorgBabe Debate

By A'Lehsen Paris

For years everyone has been proclaiming how gorgeous Seven is! But isn't the true test of Beauty not that you can look good with tons of make-up and skin-tight clothes, but that you can look good when you're a Borg? Or something like that, anyway. Okay, okay, I made that last part up, but don't you agree? I mean, look at them! Even as a Borg B'Elanna Torres retains an elegance and a dignity that Seven quite obviously didn't.

It's just the lighting, you say? I don't think so. B'Elanna's proportionately more perfect than Seven, for one thing. And she's even able to make bald look good. Seven couldn't.

You are thinking that perhaps the true test will be the way B'Elanna looks without the nice green light shining on her. I have to disagree. B'Elanna simply looks better, either as a Borg or as a regular humanoid.

For once, though, I'm going to let you give your opinions here. Vote at the poll bellow as to whom you think makes the better Borg. I can't wait to see your reactions!!!

Back to my Holodeck Four.