Janeway, Harry, Tom, and Unfair Treatment

By A'Lehsen Paris

Note: These are my opinions. You don't have to agree with me, although I know alot of people do.

Does it seem reasonable to anyone, ANYONE, that Janeway demoted Tom and gave him thirty days in the brig for not obeying her and breaking the Prime Directive, and yet when Harry did the same thing (different situation, same behavior) all he got was a lecture about how disappointed Janeway was in him? How could this possibly be considered fair treatment of her crew?!

In my opinion, Janeway's playing favorites and using the past behavior of Tom and Harry to make her judgements. Don't try to tell me that she doesn't, because I won't believe it, and you shouldn't be deluding yourself. The DEAR captain got tiffed because Tom, whom she made a personal "project" at the end of "Caretaker", made a big mistake. But Harry, who's never given her a moment of trouble, is suddenly breaking the rules, but since he's so "perfect" (in other words, dull) he gets off a whole hell of a lot lighter than Tom.

Where is the Captain's sense of right here? Did she let it go flying out of the closest air lock? It seems that way to me. And why is she forgetting the several times SHE has at LEAST bent the PD. She has, don't deny it. So she managed to make excuses to herself and the rest of the crew. So what? That doesn't make some of the things she's done any better than what Tom and Harry did. Do we all remember 8472? What gave her the right to help destroy them in Borg space? Wasn't that breaking the PD? She interferred with the natural developement of an area of space, Borg space, to be exact. The PD specifically states that that is wrong, you shouldn't do it. So why did she? Hmmmmmmm?

I blame this on Kat, LOL, Brighteyes, and Dana, who were doing similar rants a while back.

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