Ready Room

This is my personal space. I may not be a Starfleet Captain, but we'll forget about that minor detail for now! You can find out about me here, and you can read my rants and the lists I so love to make.

A Word From A'Lehsen

That's me up there. Yes, you finally get to see the great webmistress!!! *g*

Well, I've found some new stuff for this site and Devotion. I hope they'll be a big success. For now, nothing else to say here.

~A'Lehsen Paris, September 4th, 2000.

Voyager Days

Have you ever heard of Mad Libs? You know, those little stories where you fill in words and laugh over the results? Well, I've got something similar here, thanks to Site Gadgets. If you would be so kind, cut (ctrl C) and paste (ctrl V) the results and email them to me. I'd love to see what happens!

Story #1

Story #2

Warpspeed's Interactive Story

Ever wanted to write your own Voyager fanfic, or at least add your ideas to others'? Well, here's your chance. Each story will run for two months, during which time I hope that it gets finished. Even if it doesn't, I'll cut and paste it and then delete the entries to start a new one. After I'm done with that I'll post the story here for everyone to read. Please enjoy, but realize that I will not allow any overuse of profanity and nothing about PG-13 level to remain. If enough people ask me, I MIGHT make an NC-17 interactive story...maybe. We'll see.

The Story

[Main Bridge] [Holodeck One] [Holodeck Two] [Holodeck Three]
[Holodeck Four] [Holodeck Five] [Briefing Room] [The Shuttlebay]
[Transporter Room] [Personal Logs]