Chick Shit for Chic Chicks - 02/28/01

Chick Shit!

by Melissa Paternik

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One of the worst problems to have, especially if you're a go-go dancer, is that bloated feeling from water retention. Whenever that happens, it can make for quite an uncomfortable day!!

Well, I have come up with a simple concoction that helps you get through the day!! This came about quite by accident, but it sure works for me.

On my "bloaty" days, I need two things; a can of tuna fish (packed in oil) and a few slices of head cheese.

I open the can of tuna fish and take out the tuna, leaving only the oil. Its good not to waste food so I put the tuna in a bowl and pop it in the refrigerator. After a couple of days it get a crust on it which makes for a fine snack! I like crispy things!!

Next, I soak the head cheese slices in the tuna oil. You need to soak the slices for at least one hour for some reason which I can't figure out. Hey, if I knew stuff like that I would probably be a scientist!!

After the hour is up, take the soaked slices and pop them in the microwave for about 5 minutes on high. When it is done, you will have something that looks quite unappetizing, but I think it is quite tasty!!

You should let the head cheese cool down before eating it. One time I didn't and burned the skin off my finger and my tongue!! As you can guess, I was in quite a lot of pain.

After you eat them, wait a few hours and your bloating should start to subside. You might feel the urge to poop, but this is only natural. I one found myself on the toilet for 2 straight hours, but as long as I didn't feel bloated, I really didn't care!!

NEXT WEEK: More tips!!

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