

Lunatic Ravings - 03/22/01

Lunatic Ravings!
By Stephen Johnson

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I don't know when this will be posted because our host, Verica, is a total piece of weasel shit. For some unknown reason, this site went down on Tuesday. Maybe it's a minor glitch, maybe not. Since I am writing this on Tuesday night, I will just assume the worst.

Either we'll be back up on Verica or will find an actual legitimate host. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this has caused anyone, but life sometimes sucks.

I mentioned last week that "Jaded" by Aerosmith really sucks. I still stand by that statement, but I must say that the "Just Push Play" album as a whole is quite good. See? I can actually say something nice every once in a while.

I was really bored the other day while coming home from work so I decided to have a bit of fun.

Every time I stopped and there was a car next to me, I would tune the radio to the same station they were listening to. I would then stare at them and when they looked over at me, I would give them a thumbs up and yell, "Great song!", or "This rocks!"

I thought this would make me some new friends, but I found this actually caused the people to call me foul names, or even to look away and pretend I didn't exist. This really depressed me, so I guess I won't be doing that anymore, I have realized that even though mini van drivers are bad, handicapped mini van drivers are even worse since they always seem to be in a hurry to get somewhere. It's not like they have to get to a theater extra early to get a good parking space.

I guess I can understand if one of the screws fell out of their fake leg and they have to run to the local hardware store because the leg is hanging precariously from the stump. This would probably be uncomfortable and could create some nasty friction which could cause the person to suddenly burst into flames.

Actually, that would be kind of funny.

Maybe Betty Jo Bluehair drives very fast in her van because she just played 8 straight hours of bingo and the arthritis in her hand in acting up and she needs to get home quick to pop some pain medication, so she drives recklessly because the pain is so intense that it causes everything around to be nonexistent due to mind blockage.

If that's the case, handicapped people should not be driving mini vans. Maybe they shouldn't be driving at all. It is a pain in the ass to find a parking place at the mall during Christmas and those extra parking places would come in quite handy.

Okay, I shouldn't pick on the handicapped. I can safely say that 99.9% of the people who drive mini vans suck and should be hung from power lines until they are covered in bird shit and their fingers are shredded by rabid squirrels. We could then cut them down and let them live normal lives.

By the way, did you know that Verica sucks?

COMING NEXT: Jerome goes to "The Hood"!!!

A new Lunatic Ravings pops up each Monday and Thursday.

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