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Lunatic Ravings!
By Stephen Johnson

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We would like to thank everyone for being patient with us while we were off line. Hopefully, this won't happen again and we will be able to pleasure each and every one of you for years to come.

We do have to watch what we say though. Considering the problems that "Jackass" is going through right now, we really don't want to mention something that some dumbass kid might try to do, only to get hurt in the process.

And I do believe that most kids are dumb nowadays. Case in point is the kid who watched something on "Jackass" and decided to perform his own stunt only to severely burn himself.

He doesn't blame himself but blames the show because kids "don't think". Neither do animals (supposedly), so people think it's okay to hunt them down for sport.

So, if this torched youth thinks that kids today have limited, if any, brain power, then they should be hunted down like animals. There's really no use having them grow to adulthood if they think its okay to light themselves on fire. If they're this bad now, it will only get worse as they get older.

And this does not pertain to every kid. It does pertain to the kid(s) that rode their bikes across my front yard because I now have tire tracks I can't seem to get rid of. I guess I can dump gasoline all over the front yard and light it on fire so they can jump through it. Maybe I can also place some rabid groundhogs and some rusty bear traps in the middle of the flames to add some extra excitement.

I'll probably just end up sitting on the front porch, throwing empty beer bottles at them as they get close to the house. I don't think my neighbors would appreciate a 30 foot wall of flames in my front yard, and there might be some sort of local ordinance prohibiting something like that. You just can't have fun nowadays, unless you're Jerome.

He decided to try firewalking after watching a Mentos commercial. As in the commercial, he stuck a Mentos product in his mouth and proceeded to walk on hot coals. Unlike the commercial, he did not make it from one end of the coals to the other without severe pain and agony.

So, who did Jerome blame for his misfortune? He blamed Bob and I, of course. And, to an extent, he was correct since we did buy him the Mentos and might have mentioned that popping the candy in your mouth deadens any feeling in your body for a short time. We also might have offered him money to perform the stunt, but we really can't find any proof that we actually did.

We just hope that Jerome can walk again very soon. Actually, he is walking, but we want to see him walking without leaving a trail of pus and scabs. Bob almost slipped in some pus, and I don't like the sound scabs make when you step on them because they make the same crunching sound as stepping on beetles does. Pus also has a tendency to stain linoleum and can smell quite bad if not immediately cleaned up.

Now I have no idea what I'm talking about so I'm leaving.

COMING NEXT: What word should be barred from the English language and it isn't "Rosie"!!!!

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