Here is a collection websites that offer on-line donations
and information:
New York State World Trade Center Relief Fund
- The purpose is to assist the families and dependents of the victims of the September 11th terrorist attacks.
Local CityCares
Volunteer Organization - Volunteers for are needed at a local level.
Contact your local CityCares organization to find out how you can help in the relief effort.
The United Way's September 11th
fund - The September 11th Fund makes grants to established nonprofit
agencies that provide support and services to victims, their families, and others affected by the September 11th
Monetary donations
to the Red Cross - Provide support for people in need following this
disaster as well as emerging human needs resulting from the tragedy
Blood donations to the Red
Cross - They need blood too.
If you've never done it, find out about giving blood here.
The Salvation Army Crisis Response
Emergency Website - Get information about what's going on concerting
the relief efforts and you can donate online.
New York Firefighters 9-11 Disaster Relief Fund - The NY Fallen Firefighters and Rescue Workers Fund
Rumors of War ( - Investigates the various rumors to come out of the September 11 terrorist attacks.
Islam and Muslims, from IslamiCity -
Become informed. Information is from the book, Understanding Islam and the Muslims.
to Disaster (ABA network) - Legal
services available for individuals affected by the Sept. 11th events.