Alarmingly Strange Stories

A Cream Filled Existence
The Mad Prince of Compton

I had book signings, I met a few celebrities, a movie deal was worked out, I was Time's Man of the Year. I told them about my past, and how my cousin had touched me when I was little.

"It always stuck with me throughout the rest of my life."

And they nodded, eating it up like you eat a cream-filled chocolate muffin, savoring the insides. They liked the taste; and soon they became obese. Yet they hungered for more, so what was I supposed to do? I fed them more muffins.

Anyway, so the ho ho's and I had a big parade, singing our song, the fat cholesterol song. We were happy, and we lived happily ever after. The great part is; I don't feel the least bit guilty.

I mean, I was the victim after all, right Sally?


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