Alarmingly Strange Stories

Bobby Brady and the
Psychedelic Sewage Tank

Bel Garion

As time went on "Wacko The Wonder Bunny" became very ill. Bobby would visit him every day. He was so happy that he had such a good friend in Bobby. Sometimes he thought to himself young children do not respect their elders, they don't spend enough time with the elderly. Not my Bobby, he is golden. Bobby remembered how caring and loving "Wacko The Wonder Bunny" was over the years. He became his second father, not that his real father could be replaced.

Bobby knew that "Wacko The Wonder Bunny" was getting sicker and was soon to die. Knowing that he was going to die didn't make it any easier than if he didn't know.

Days passed on and "Wacko The Wonder Bunny" was too sick to come sit by the old sewage tank. Bobby would sit in him room with him when he visited with him. The old sewage tank was in clear view of his bedroom window. He could see it from his bed, as he lies there.

Bobby watched "Wacko The Wonder Bunny" sleep. His eyes filled with tears as he thought how much he loved him. Bobby knew that Lord Satan wanted him dead

"Wacko The Wonder Bunny" softly breathed. He lifted his eyelids, his voice was barely heard. "I love you Bobby, and I want you to have…"

At that very moment "Wacko The Wonder Bunny" kicked the bucket.

Bobby broke into tears. He talked with him thinking he could hear him.

"Wacko The Wonder Bunny's" nurse came into the room, he told Bobby that "Wacko The Wonder Bunny" was gone. The nurse comforted Bobby as "Wacko The Wonder Bunny" did when his father died. She took him from the room, and led him into the living room. There she gave him an envelope, it contained a letter from "Wacko The Wonder Bunny":

My Dearest Bobby,

I am glad that I am gone. I cannot begin to express my hatred for you. I hated you. I hope you die alone and in pain. I enjoyed fooling you into thinking we were friends. You helped me live longer, and made me see that life could be fun. Even when you're as old as I was.

I especially loved our meetings at the old sewage tank. You are a kind sweet boy Bobby, you were there for me like no one else was. You always knew how to lift my spirits. I would like to give you something of mine that we both shared. Something that will help you when you need to be alone. That my dear would be our sewage tank. Please accept it with love and remember the memories it holds. Always remember you can be what ever you want to be, never let anyone let you believe different. You are a very special boy Bobby, my Bobby.

Lots of love to you my dear,
Your Special Friend "Wacko The Wonder Bunny".

The morning after should have been difficult, as Bobby remembered from his father's passing. This day however didn't feel that way. The sun was shining as Bobby arose from his bed. He pinched himself to see if he was dreaming and ran down the stairs. Through the living room, passing the kitchen, and bolted through the back door. It was real! The old sewage tank was in his yard. He danced around the tank and thought to himself "Wacko The Wonder Bunny" was right. He felt safe and welcome in his special place.

He sat on the top of the old sewage tank with a smile on his face for all to see.


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