Alarmingly Strange Stories
The Fight
Horatio Evelente
Chapter two of two
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“The Dirty Hole” is not a very classy bar, as a matter of fact Ted Kennedy frequents there. (but no women will
get in his car after that one dissapeared) So, the fight was on, a cage was quickly and efficiently dropped over
them, weapons were tossed in so there was no chance of making up. Tina Turner jumped on the cage and yelled to
the audience.
Tina: “Two goes in, one comes out”!!!!
Al: “What the fuck are you doing hear”!
Tina: “It’s my new gig, you saw goldfinger my career is over”...(she hung her head) Now you two must fight to the
death”!! (she yelled suddenly while looking up)
“Two goes in, One comes out”. The crowd chanted. Getting louder and louder, working itself into a frezy. There
was no backing out, its go time, let the fight begin.
Ron grabbed a chainsaw and a samari sword, Al grabbed a shotgun handle and a trout. Al realized all the good weapons
were in Rons corner. Ron charged in swinging his cutlery, Al ran like a bitch for about 45 seconds. As Al ran he
thought to himself, “I’m not going to Die like that “Ask Bob” guy in front of a gay bar at 2:45 in the morning.
Al regrouped himself and dropped to his knees and rammed the butt of the shotgun into Rons Nards. Ron dropped like
a middle aged womens titties relinquishing the sword and chainsaw.Al also dropped his weapons and jumped on Ron.
While the two went at it hand-to-hand for a while, all the weapons were removedfrom the cage. Then darts were thrown
in, so now they are throwing darts at each other, Al lost an during the dart throwing. The darts were then removed.
Then vibrators were thrown in, Albeat Ron half to death with a fat womens sticky vibrator. (It was later found
out that it was his mothers), (the very same that Ron had used on her days before), (nasty).
The crowd was dispersing, the Police got in just in time to see Ron attempt the first open heart surgery with a
spoon. In an attempt to save their lives the medical team on site froze them incryogenic containers, they are currently
working as coffee tables in Micheal Jacksons Neverland Ranch. Ever once and a while Micheal's monkey “bubbles”
fucks Al in the ass while Micheal spanks him.
Aint that fucked up.
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