Alarmingly Strange Stories

True Demons,
Interdimensional Horror

Paul Schroeder

I am attached painfully. As I lift my right arm to gently work out the razor thin fishhook, dozens of others fasten and bite into my flesh scaring me further into desperation and deepening my angst as I awaken quickly now, to a gathering sense of panic and helplessness. The hook in my cheek tears deeply into my mouth and the fishhooks unseen, beneath the sink, begin to bite deeper and more painfully. I am a marionette impaled from face to scrotum and have wandered unknowing into this macramé of razorblade like fishhooks some madman must have concocted. The slightest movement brings sharp painful reminders that I am stuck fast and in a nightmarish predicament I cannot solve.

As I am screaming, muted for help from my wife, asleep in the other room. Opening my mouth to holler, I feel the deeper bite of the hook into the deep muscles of my face. I can only growl and moan loudly. Aware that I won't likely be able to reach her ears with low moaning, I feel more entrapped with every movement. Like a monstrous wind chime of dangling fishhooks, I am trapped and my fear level climbs to near hysteria, as I awaken suddenly in bed.

Again I am aware of the imposed horror for ethereal feasting, but dazzled at the raw power of the attack and the totality of sensory construction and the viciousness inherent in the scenario. I am beset with demons, negative thought entities who are malevolent and who know our minds much better than we do.

How can you fight something you can't see? This was the first of several creative virtual reality psychic attacks delivered on this night and represent a continued program of spiritual and out of body attacks at the hands of unseen entities who are brilliantly tenacious. The waves of sheer hatred, intense telepathic bursts of raw hatred felt by me in the unseen presence of some of <> the harassing entities might well echo the demeanor of this clearly interdimensional creature.

True Demons:

Click here to see the originalSome time ago a friend of my wife's and a group of friends made a trip to historical sites in the Middle East. During the tour she had a chance to visit a cave on one of the hills around the holy city of Makkah. Inside she was attracted by a bright light perched on the cave's wall and took a picture of it.

When she returned home, she developed the film and was surprised to see a picture of a creature she never saw before in her life. She took the picture and showed it to her spiritual teacher. The Ustadzah explained that it was Satan in one of its forms. Subhanallah! She gave my wife a copy of the picture and I scanned it for you...

Note the venation of the rock which bisects its waist like a belt; it is transparent. Again I am convinced that since a hateful bottom spectrum of the unseen universe exists; I too, have been grabbed and shaken by demons, large, black and strong as a bull. I have been snuck into faith by the rear door. The last sentence of the letter accompanying this picture was; MAY ALLAH PROTECT US ALL FROM DEVILS.

The photo is authentic and perhaps the first I've ever seen of ectoplasmic interdimensional evil. Note the ears, head, hooves and details of its physiognomy. It has been suggested by experts that this entity ALLOWED itself to be photographed as the rarity of such photos of such clarity belies the elusiveness of these psychic mind reading sinister entities I call demons. They are horribly real and as psychic vampires are unparalleled.

The entity that tortured me was tenacious in following me anywhere I traveled and made a point of letting me know as soon as I was sure I'd left it behind; doors would lock when I was showering; although, I was careful to leave all doors open. Objects would move just within immediate sight. Wild, evil dreams at nighttime let me know it was with me despite my having traveled far. By all means, view my comments and nightmare out of body attack scenarios as a virtual experience.

Raw prayer to my spirit helpers, to remove this dark entity, has finally produced lasting results. To date, no horrid demonic nightmares or gray alien astral abductions. It was a virtual miracle of faith and request. The evil, powerful, nightmare attacking, demon was removed by goodness. This is awe inspiring, transforming and enlightening.


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