These are links to sites approved by me, the Supreme Emperor of the Weirdo Zone. I find them as bright lanterns in the darkness of low-brow websites.

special.gif (578 bytes)     NOW WITH RATING SYSTEM!  WHOO-HOO!    special.gif (578 bytes)
The links with Weirdtroopers by them are
especially recommended, no matter the rating.

Web Sites of Interest

    cadet.jpg (704 bytes)     CADET LEVEL - SAVE YOUR WORK NOW!special.gif (578 bytes) [No longer crashes system... still on list for historical reasons]
America OuttaLine - Join the Rebellion!
PETA - Long Live the Rebellion!
Popping Plastic Wrap - Waste your time with virtual plastic bubble wrap.
Sark's Command Cruiser of Evil - The Worst Web Page Ever, by me!special.gif (578 bytes)

    2ndlt.jpg (758 bytes)     SECOND LIEUTENANT LEVEL

Arcadepod - Ultimate free online Java and Shockade!
Dork Storm Comics - Viva the Rebellion! Rebel forever! Whoo-hoo! - Free is good...
Lloyd High School - School, now with DOMAIN NAME!special.gif (578 bytes)
Tangerine Dream - The ultimate in instrumental techno.

    1stlt.jpg (947 bytes)     FIRST LIEUTENANT LEVEL - Hmmm... I wonder... - Java and Shockade - More Java Games
Doctor Science - He has a degree... in Science!
Games Workshop - Makers of Warhammer 40,000 - Lloyd High School's April Fools' page for 2001.special.gif (578 bytes)
Mr. T versus Everything! - Mr. T is helluva tough! - Bored?  Listen to some techno MIDI files.  Pretty decent.

    captain.jpg (1276 bytes)     CAPTAIN LEVEL

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) - home of the American powered armor.
Digital Blasphemy - Very nice graphics website.
DOOM - Another Invader ZIM site, with some contributions by mespecial.gif (578 bytes)
Habbo Hotel - a British online Shockwave chat room with graphics.  Interesting.
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb - some guy's term paper about nuclear bomb testing.  Scary.
MechBall - some Battletech game rule variations so one can play "BattleTech Football."   Sweet.
Star Trek:  Door Repair Guy - Huh?special.gif (578 bytes)
TimeLab 2000 - All the weird history trivia you never knew...

    ltcolonel.jpg (1937 bytes)     LIEUTENANT COLONEL LEVEL

FASA Inc. - Makers of Battletech... well, not anymore.
Hackers of the World Unite:  Dr. Strangelove - a Dr. Strangelove fan site
WizKids LLC - Now the Makers of Battletech... as long as they don't blow it...
WWII Vehicles - A decent site for Allied WWII armor
You Can't Do That On Star Trek - "Star Trek"-based visual humor!special.gif (578 bytes) [May not be operational]

    colonel.jpg (2005 bytes)     COLONEL LEVEL

Achtung Panzer! - Comprehensive website on WWII German armor.
Adrenaline Vault, The - Fun Cheats
Darwin Awards, The - stupid people "removing themselves from the gene pool" in stupid ways.special.gif (578 bytes)
Lords Of The Battlefield - Amazing Battletech site by some Ral Partha sculptors (I think...), great place to get 'Mech design programs
planet_of_broken_glass_button.jpg (8449 bytes)     -    a fan website of that twisted Nicktoon, Invader Zimspecial.gif (578 bytes) - Visit the Dominion!
Sodaplay - make nifty things using Java!
Sound of Mathematics, The - The web page of Daniel Cummerow (may angels and archangels forever sing praises to his name!)
Starship Troopers Essay - ChrisW's excellent Starship Troopers essay, explaining the sociopolitical aspects.
Story Musgrave - oldest career astronaut with several thousand pictures on his website.special.gif (578 bytes)
Yuri Gagarin, Cosmonaut - the first man in space!  Whoo-hoo!

    briggen.jpg (1371 bytes)     BRIGADIER GENERAL LEVEL

Earth Edition of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Cool. - Home of messed up games featuring a cute little bear!special.gif (578 bytes)

    ltgen.jpg (1050 bytes)     LIEUTENANT GENERAL LEVEL

Assassin - Long live the rebellion! Take out the Taco Bell Dog!
rt_btn88a.gif (1919 bytes) - The legend lives on... the only downside is that tart Minmei.
Shockwave - Shockwave! Woo-hoo!

    general.jpg (1261 bytes)     GENERAL LEVEL

NASA - Well, it's NASA!
United Media - Home of Dilbert!
United States Air Force - Go Air Force!  Whoo-hoo!

    majgen.jpg (1633 bytes)     MAJOR GENERAL LEVEL

HTMLGoodies - Where to go to learn HTML.special.gif (578 bytes) - check out the games at the bottom.
Starport Central - the Starflight III home page.

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