Weirdo Zone Projects

     Welcome to the assorted miscellany section of my site. In these vaults ye shall find things that I wanted to do, things I had to do, or things I just simply did. Peruse and enjoy.

Stuff I Wanted To Do

My Ultramarine Terminator Space Marine costume from Halloween 2000.

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My Cylon Warrior costume from Halloween 2001.

The Great BattleMaster Mystery, explained and solved thanks to the WZISS!

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Mechadance -- NOW HERE to fill a gap in the mindless expanse of dance sights (oh, the horror!)

Stuff I Had To Do

My Integrated Web Design class exam project. Try and enjoy.

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The Dry Creek Water Testing page.  Wow, I am so impressed.

Stuff I Just Simply Did

My National Youth Leadership Conference photos.

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My Global Young Leaders' Conference photos. - a silly domain name my friend and I registered during Web Design when Mr. Sweasy wasn't looking. I made this logo in MS Paintbrush. Quite proud of it, I am.   (the Website died, though).

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Juggernotes--Lloyd High School's creative arts magazine.  In 2001, I made a new cover for it (above), laid it out, played "enforcer" to keep deadlines, and put it together using MS Publisher 2000.  And the Little Red Hen said, "Now, who will help me eat the bread?"  The three people who came to a meeting but didn't do anything.

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The Worst Webpage in the Universe
- Why?  Because I can!  Yes, that is Janet Reno's head spinning!

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The 2001 Kentucky Govenor's Scholars Program
With Pictures!

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