American Light Tanks

    Due to Britain's relative lack of production power when compared to the United States, several of America's earlier tanks were mass produced in the US and then used primarily by the British.  These tanks are noted by having a brown background similar to the background found on the British Army pages.

M3 (Honey) /M5 "Stuart"

M5Stuart.jpg (5541 bytes)
M3 Stuarts


Mass (mt):
12.5 - 15.2

Length (m):
4.5 - 4.33
Width (m):
2.23 - 2.24
Height (m):
2.51 - 2.29

1941 (M3 Stuart)
1945 (M5 Stuart, End of War)

     The Stuart was the primary light tank of the American Army throughout the war.  An improved version of the 1940 M2A4, the Stuart utilized some of the lessons learned in the early tank fighting of the war.  A popular lend-lease tank, the M3 Stuart was produced in large numbers for the British Army, who promptly gave it the name it would hold for history ("Stuart") as well as an irreverent nickname for the troops ("Honey," referring to a buxom entertainer of the time).  Originally armed with the typical main gun-coaxial machine gun-bow machine gun with two additional machine guns in sponson aimed and fired remotely by the driver, the remote guns were removed in the first production variant, the M3A1.  The M5 Stuart, designed in 1942 and serving alongside M3 Stuarts until at least 1943, was another adaptation with twin Chrysler engines in place of a 7-cylinder Continental Radial, a sloping front hull, and more armor.


Max. Speed:   56 kph

Range:  112km
Front Bottom Front Driver Hull, Side Hull, Rear Hull, Deck Gun Shield Turret Front Turret Side
38mm 38mm 25mm 25mm 10mm 38mm 38mm 32mm
37mm L/57 Tank Gun Max. Range:  910m Mx. Penetrate:  67mm
.30 Browning Coaxial Machine Gun Max. Range:  450m Medium Machine Gun
.30 Browning Bow Machine Gun Max. Range:  450m Medium Machine Gun


Max. Speed:   56 kph

Range:  112km
Front Bottom Front Driver Hull, Side Hull, Rear Hull, Deck Gun Shield Turret Front Turret Side
38mm 51mm 25mm 25mm 10mm 51mm 51mm 32mm
37mm L/57 Tank Gun Max. Range:  910m Mx. Penetrate:  67mm
.30 Browning Coaxial Machine Gun Max. Range:  450m Medium Machine Gun
.30 Browning Bow Machine Gun Max. Range:  450m Medium Machine Gun


Max. Speed:   64 kph

Range:  160km
Front Bottom Front Driver Hull, Side Hull, Rear Hull, Deck Gun Shield Turret Front Turret Side
67mm 67mm 25mm 25mm 12mm 67mm 67mm 32mm
37mm L/57 Tank Gun Max. Range:  910m Mx. Penetrate:  67mm
.30 Browning Coaxial Machine Gun Max. Range:  450m Medium Machine Gun
.30 Browning Bow Mac