TME-03 Mech Bane Artillery Tank

tme03mechbane.jpg (4158 bytes)     tme03mechbane.gif (1559 bytes)


Mass:  100 tons Movement Type:  Tracked
Power Plant:  TME 300 eXtraLight Armor Type:  TME 3049 Ferro-Fibrous
Comm Systems:  TME Vox Et Deus Cruising Speed:  30 kph
Targeting/Tracking Systems:  
     TME 3050 Point-And-Shoot
Maximum Speed:  55 kph
Chassis:  WZ AHAT-47
    1 TME/BTSTS-MAS:3049 "Gastrophetes" Arrow-IV Artillery Missile System
    1 TME/BTSTS-ELL:3049 "Lightspear" Large Laser
    1 TME/BTSTS-HLRM:3000 "Tornado" Long-Range Missile 15-Rack
    2 TME/BTSTS-PML:3049 "Tommy Laser" Medium Pulse Lasers


    The AHAT-47 Sigimund mobile artillery tank was a popular self-propelled artillery unit in the Weirdo Zone Army until it was replaced with the modern 'dedicated' SP artillery in the 2700s.  TME Enterprises took a great deal of the surplus Sigimunds and converted to Battletech S/TS standards.  The Sigimund chassis was found to be extremely compatible with various heavy weaponry while carrying massive amounts of armor, putting it on par with several assault BattleMechs.  This, along with TME's initial marketing pitch (1) led to the designation of TME-03 'Mech Bane.  The name brought up images of a super-tank that could crush the so-called "Kings of the Battlefield."


    The TME-03 'Mech Bane carries an Arrow IV missile artillery system as well as an LRM-15 long-ranged tactical missile rack.  An extended-range large laser in a foreward turret provides local protection against armor and 'mechs while medium pulse lasers in side sponson protect the 'Mech Bane's flanks.  The Bane is more heavily armored than either an Inner Sphere Atlas or a Clan Daishi but still moves at the same rate.  Its spacious interior allows the six-man crew unparalleled comfort for an armored combat vehicle.


    The 'Mech Bane is most likely to be found in heavy vehicle units with grudges against 'Mechwarriors.  Several Kurita, Steiner, Tauran, and mercenary divisions swear by this assault vehicle.


    There are no factory variants of the TME-03, although there are undoubtedly field modifications of which we are unaware.

TME-03 'Mech Bane Artillery Tank

100 tons Tracked Cruising MP: 3 (32.4 kph) Flank MP: 5 (54.0 kph)
Engine:  300 XL Fusion Engine Mass:  14.5 t Control Mass:  5 t No Lift Equipment
No Power Amplifier 20 Heat Sinks Internal Structure:  10 t Turret Mass:  .5 t
Armor Mass: 17.56t FF Armor Points:  314 Crew:  6 Sponon Mass:  1






Arrow IV Artillery Front
Left/Right Side:

69 / 69

LRM-15 Front


ER Large Laser F. Turret
Front Turret:


Medium Pulse Laser L. Sponson
Rear Turret:

not applicable

Medium Pulse Laser R. Sponson
20 Arrow IV shots Body
32 LRM-15 shots Body

    DESIGNER'S NOTE:  Micro Machine.

(1) Which was:  "Show those new-fangled bipedal Erector sets how to fight!   Signed, your friend, the tank--raising Hell since 1916."

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