TME-05 Slantback Main Battle Tank

tme05slantback.jpg (4256 bytes)     tme05slantback.gif (1642 bytes)


Mass:  75 tons Movement Type:  Tracked
Power Plant:  TME 225 eXtraLight Armor Type:  TME 3049 Ferro-Fibrous
Comm Systems:  TME Vox Et Deus Cruising Speed:  35 kph
Targeting/Tracking Systems:  
     TME 3050 Point-And-Shoot
Maximum Speed:  58 kph
Chassis:  TME BTHT Model 1
    1 TME/BTSTS-GR:3049 "Electro-Shot" Gauss Rifle
    7 TME/BTSTS-ML:3025 "Schoolyard-Bully" Medium Lasers
    3 TME/BTSTS-MG:3000 "Chatterbox" Machine Guns


    The TME-05 Slantback was designed especially for sale in the Battletech S/TS to lead armored spearheads in conjuction with assault 'Mech lances.   Its heavy armor and powerful weaponry makes up for its slow speed, which is still enough to allow it to keep up with its bipedal counterparts.


    The Slantback mounts a powerful Electro-Shot Gauss rifle on a turret and three Schoolyard-Bully medium lasers in the front of the vehicle while two side sponson of two SB medium lasers each provide support fire for the flanks.   This weapon layout makes the Slantback effective in sweeping oblique attacks.


    The first unit to purchase the TME-05 Slantback was Valerie's Volunteers in 3053, a poorly-known armor division.  When contracted to assault a Clan Wolf firebase, their Slantback platoon formed a second line behind their first line of Demolisher heavy tanks.  The Slantbacks softened up the Clan 'mechs with their Gauss rifles as the Demolishers waded through the fire to bring their short-ranged heavy autocannon to bear.  The Demolishers were immobilized, after eliminating most of the defensive force, by three Mad Cat 'mechs coming to support the base.  Three pristine Slantbacks were left to fight three Clan Mad Cats.  Using their low hulls to their advantage, the Slantbacks used the hilly terrain to lure the Mad Cats into individual traps.  Each Slantback chalked up a Mad Cat kill as a Volunteer artillery spotter recorded the fight.  This footage was then used in the Slantback advertising campaign along with the new title of "cat killer."

    The Slantback now serves in all major House militaries, but Steiner has the largest proportion.


    There are no factory variants of the TME-05, although there are undoubtedly field modifications of which we are unaware.

TME-05 Slantback Main Battle Tank

75 tons Tracked Cruising MP: 3 (32.4 kph) Flank MP: 5 (54.0 kph)
Engine:  225 XL Fusion Engine Mass:  7.5 t Control Mass:  3.75 t No Lift Equipment
No Power Amplifier 21 Heat Sinks Internal Structure:  7.5 t Turret Mass:  1.5 t
Armor Mass: 16.35t FF Armor Points:  293 Crew:  7 Sponson Mass:  .4 t






Gauss Rifle Turret
Left/Right Side:

59 / 59

2 Medium Lasers L. Sponson


2 Medium Lasers R. Sponson
Front Turret:

not applicable

3 Medium Lasers Front
Rear Turret:


Machine Gun Left
Machine Gun Right
Machine Gun Rear
24 Gauss Rifle shots Body
50 Machine Gun shots Body

    DESIGNER'S NOTE:  Micro Machine.

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