TME-100 Battle of Shiloh Corvette WarShip

tme100battleofshiloh.jpg (7323 bytes)    tme100battleofshiloh.gif (819 bytes)


Mass:  200,000 tons Structure Type:  Linear Wedge
Power Plant:  TME 800K Fusion Drive Armor Type:  TME 3000 Standard
Comm Systems:  TME BugleBoy Cruising Acceleration:  2G
Targeting/Tracking Systems:  
     TME 3054 Pinpointer
Maximum Acceleration:  3G
Spaceframe:  TME KargoKat
    8 TME/BTSTS-MNAC:3050 "ThunderPop" Medium Naval Autocannon
    8 TME/BTSTS-MNL:3050 "Crimson Line" Medium Naval Lasers
    10 TME/BTSTS-AMRM:3057 "Deluge" Medium Range Missile 40-Racks
    10 HUAC:3057 "Rapid Hand Cannon" Heavy Rapid-Fire Autocannon

    The TME-100 Battle of Shiloh WarShip is a moderately powerful craft equally capable against both capital ships and fighters.  Eight medium naval autocannon and eight medium naval lasers give it long-range interdiction capability against large vessels, while a defense network of ten rapid-fire medium autocannon and ten medium-range missile forty-racks protect it against massed fighter attacks.  Twelve fighters act as its primary attack arm against capital ships and four small craft can ferry cargo or the fifty battle-suited marines stationed on the vessel.

TME-100 Battle of Shiloh Corvette WarShip

200,000 tons Corvette WarShip Safe MP: 4 (2G) Max MP: 6 (3G)
Fusion mass:  48,000 t Control Mass: 500 t Integrity: 60 (30G) Structure Mass: 12,000 t
Hyperdrive:  90,500 t Hyper Integrity: 6 Jump Sail mass:  40 t Jump Sail Integ:  3
Armor Mass: 240 t Armor Points:  24000 Fuel: 2,771 (6,928 pts) Tons/BurnDay (1G): 39.52
Fuel Pump Mass:  48 t Crew: 21 officers
  84 enlisted
Gunners:  20 Marines:  50 battle-suited
Passengers:  none 30 Lifeboats
12 fighters 4 small craft Grav-Decks: 2 80m Cargo Mass:  9,310 t


ARMOR (Capital Scale in Parenthesis)



660 (66)

2 Ultra AC/10 w/ 100 shots Nose
Fore Left/Right:

460 (46) / 460 (46)

2 MRM-40 w/ 118 shots Nose
Aft Left/Right:

410 (41) / 410 (41)

1 Ultra AC/10 w/ 50 shots Fore Left

360 (36)

1 MRM-40 w/ 58 shots Fore Left
Heat Sinks: 1,000 (2,000) Double Sinks 1 NL45 Fore Left
1 NAC/25 w/ 75 shots Fore Left
1 Ultra AC/10 w/ 50 shots Fore Right
1 MRM-40 w/ 58 shots Fore Right
1 NL45 Fore Right
1 NAC/25 w/ 75 shots Fore Right
1 Ultra AC/10 w/ 50 shots L. Broadside
1 MRM-40 w/ 58 shots L. Broadside
1 NL45 L. Broadside
2 NAC/25 w/ 150 shots L. Broadside
1 Ultra AC/10 w/ 50 shots R. Broadside
1 MRM-40 w/ 58 shots R. Broadside
1 NL45 R. Broadside
2 NAC/25 w/ 150 shots R. Broadside
1 Ultra AC/10 w/ 50 shots Aft Left
1 MRM-40 w/ 58 shots Aft Left
1 NL45 Aft Left
1 NAC/25 w/ 75 shots Aft Left
1 Ultra AC/10 w/ 50 shots Aft Right
1 MRM-40 w/ 58 shots Aft Right
1 NL45 Aft Right
1 NAC/25 w/ 75 shots Aft Right
2 Ultra AC/10 w/ 100 shots Aft
2 MRM-40 w/ 118 shots Aft

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