TME-11 Nazgul Heavy Aerospace Fighter

tme11nazgul.jpg (6892 bytes)     tme11nazgul.gif (1431 bytes)


Mass:  70 tons Movement Type:  Fusion-Powered Aerodyne
Power Plant:  TME 280 Standard Armor Type:  TME 3000 Dynaslab
Comm Systems:  TME Vox Et Deus Cruising Accel/Airspeed:  3G, 1080 kph
Targeting/Tracking Systems:  
     TME 3050 Flying Ace
Maximum Accel/Airspeed:  4.5G, 1620 kph
Airframe:  WZN Nazgūl-class CRV
    4 TME/BTSTS-LL:3000 "BigZappa" Large Lasers
    4 TME/BTSTS-ELL:3049 "Lightspear" Extended Range Large Lasers (-A variant)


    The TME-11 Nazgūl is a de-teched version of the Nazgūl-class corvette used by the Weirdo Zone Internal Security Services.   Named after the flying steeds of the Ringwraiths from J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings series, the Nazgūl was unpopular with agents who had actually read this series.  Most agents swallow their indignation at having to use craft named after evil creatures that serve evil masters and simply accept the Nazgul's superior speed, armor, and firepower.  The Nazgūl's successes in our Universe prompted TME to sell it to the Battletech S/TS (3050 local date).


    The Nazgūl, for a heavy fighter, has less than impressive weaponry but superior armor and speed.  Although lacking the extensive arrays of missiles and autocannon that strike fear into most pilots, the Nazgul's four large lasers, and the near-inability for the Nazgūl to ever overheat, makes it a redoubtable foe.  Capable of concentrating its laser fire in devastating salvos, the Nazgūl can use its maneuverabilty to get into a good position and then wail on its targets.  Its heavy armor provides it with enough protection to survive most conflagrations.


    Nazgūls are often found in heavy assault fighter units, especially on long-duration missions where ammunition is scarce or hindering.   The Houses all have about equal amounts of Nazgūls, and better-off units in the Outworlds Alliance have a great deal.


    The Nazgūl is popular as an 'attrition fighter,' used in squadrons to attack large DropShips and even small WarShips.  However, some pilots and commanders have complained that the Nazgūls's large lasers have insufficient range.   The TME-11-A Nazgūls mounts extended range lasers, but this can cause serious heat spikes if all four are fired at once.

TME-11 Nazgūl Heavy Attrition Fighter

70 tons Aerospace Fighter Safe Thrust: 6 Max Thrust: 9
Engine:  280 Fusion Engine Mass:  16.0 t Cockpit Mass:  3 t 20 (40) Heat Sinks
Fuel Capacity: 75 (400) Structure Integ: 7 Armor Mass: 16t Armor Points: 256


ARMOR (Aerotech)




2 Large Lasers Nose
Left/Right Wing:

40 / 40

Large Laser Left Wing


Large Laser Right Wing


The TME-11-A Nazgul replaces the standard large lasers with ER large lasers.  All other stats remain unchanged.



ARMOR (Aerotech 2)



Left/Right Wing:

56 / 56



    DESIGNER'S NOTE:    Micro Machine.

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