TME-143 Galleon Clandestine Corvette Warship

tme143galleon.jpg (22829 bytes)     tme143galleon.gif (2462 bytes)


Mass:  100,000 tons Structure Type:  Spheroid
Power Plant:  TME 600K Fusion Drive Armor Type:  TME 3050 Lamellor FerroCarbide
Comm Systems:  TME BigBrother Cruising Accel/Airspeed:  2.5G; 900kph
Targeting/Tracking Systems:  
     TME 3054 Pinpointer
Maximum Accel/Airspeed:  4G; 1440kph
Spaceframe:  TME Vanguard Alpha
    12 TME/BTSTS-AUAC:3057 "Rapid Grand Cannon" Assault Rapid-Fire Autocannon
    12 TME/BTSTS-HALC:3049 "12-Gauge" Heavy Shotgun Autocannon
    12 TME/BTSTS-ALRM:3000 "Gale Force" Long Range Missile 20-Racks
    12 TME/BTSTS-HSRM:3000 "Roundhouse" Short Range Missile 6-Racks
    24 TME/BTSTS-MFCS:3049 "Diana" Artemis IV Fire-Control System (attached to missiles)
    12 TME/BTSTS-AMRM:3057 "Deluge" Medium Range Missile 40-Racks
    12 TME/BTSTS-ELL:3049 "Lightspear" Extended Range Large Lasers
    12 TME/BTSTS-PLL:3049 "Bren Laser" Large Pulse Lasers


    The TME-143 Galleon is a vessel specifically commissioned of TME Industries by the reincarnated Star League Defense Force admiralty in 3059.  Designed to fulfill the roles once played by the Bugeye-class reconnaissance corvette, the Galleon is intended to masquerade as a standard heavy DropShip.  Using the latest in compact Kearny-Fuchida hyperspace drives, the Galleon fits all of the equipment required of a minor capital WarShip into the shell of an atmosphere- and planetary surface-capable DropShip.  If necessary, the Galleon can even attach to JumpShips for hyperspace jumps in order to keep up appearances.


    The Galleon is a tightly packed vessel despite its hundred-thousand ton mass.  Its central core is filled by the K-F hyperdrive and ringed by tens of decks devoted to weapons control, living quarters, signals analysis, hangars, and engineering.  While well armed by DropShip standards, its array of standard weapons cannot match the capital weapons of larger ships.  This is yet a blessing, because even with the Galleon's advanced sensor baffles in its armor plating and hull the energy signatures given off by capital-grade weapons would give away the Galleon's true identity.   Dozens of large-caliber rapid-fire autocannon, shotgun autocannon, large pulse and extended-range lasers provide a direct punch over various ranges while heavy short- and long- range missile launchers aided by Artemis fire-control systems barrage the enemy.   A dozen medium-range missile forty-racks can fill the space around the Galleon with hundreds of missiles in the space of seconds.  Twelve fighters can support the Galleon in aerospace combat while six small craft act in  more civilian-oriented materiel support duties.  Five platoons of marines give the Galleon the capability of capturing pirate vessels.

    The Galleon's primary duties of signals intelligence are met through a sophisticated array of recieving apparatus dedicated to picking out intelligible signals even through the busiest broadband chatter or cover-noise.  Utilizing advances in communications equipment since the fall of the first Star League, the Galleon can nose in on private conversations without a panalopy of fold-out antennas and broadband reciever dishes.


    By agreement with the SLDF navy, that is highly classified.   Sorry.

TME-143 Galleon Clandestine Corvette WarShip

100,000 tons Corvette WarShip Safe MP: 5 (2.5G; 900) Max MP: 8 (4G; 1,440)
Fusion mass:  36,000 t Control Mass: 250t Integrity: 10 (5G) Structure Mass: 10,000t
Hyperdrive:  45,2500t Hyper Integrity: 3 Jump Sail mass:  35t Jump Sail Integ:  2
Armor Mass: 200t LFC Armor Points: 280 Fuel: 1,000 (10,000 pts) Tons/BurnDay (1G): 39.52
Fuel Pump Mass:  20t Crew: 11 officers
  54 enlisted
Gunners:  14 Marines:  140
Passengers:  59 10 Lifeboats
12 fighters 6 small craft No Grav-Decks Cargo Mass:  7,751 t


ARMOR (Capital Scale in Parenthesis)



600 (60)

2 LRM-20+Artemis w/ 20 shots Nose
Fore Left/Right:

450 (45) / 450 (45)

2 MRM-40 w/ 20 shots Nose
Aft Left/Right:

450 (45) / 450 (45)

2 UAC/20 w/ 40 shots Nose

400 (40)

2 LB 10-X w/ 20 shots Nose
Heat Sinks: 500 (1,000) Double Sinks 2 Large Pulse Lasers Nose
2 ER Large Lasers Nose
2 SRM-6+Artemis w/ 30 shots Nose
1 LRM-20+Artemis w/ 10 shots Fore-Left
1 MRM-40 w/ 10 shots Fore-Left
1 UAC/20 w/ 20 shots Fore-Left
1 LB 10-X w/ 10 shots Fore-Left
1 Large Pulse Lasers Fore-Left
1 ER Large Lasers Fore-Left
1 SRM-6+Artemis w/ 15 shots Fore-Left
1 LRM-20+Artemis w/ 10 shots Fore-Right
1 MRM-40 w/ 10 shots Fore-Right
1 UAC/20 w/ 20 shots Fore-Right
1 LB 10-X w/ 10 shots Fore-Right
1 Large Pulse Lasers Fore-Right
1 ER Large Lasers Fore-Right
1 SRM-6+Artemis w/ 15 shots Fore-Right
2 LRM-20+Artemis w/ 20 shots L. Broadside
2 MRM-40 w/ 20 shots L. Broadside
2 UAC/20 w/ 40 shots L. Broadside
2 LB 10-X w/ 20 shots L. Broadside
2 Large Pulse Lasers L. Broadside
2 ER Large Lasers L. Broadside
1 SRM-6+Artemis w/ 15 shots L. Broadside
2 LRM-20+Artemis w/ 20 shots R. Broadside
2 MRM-40 w/ 20 shots R. Broadside
2 UAC/20 w/ 40 shots R. Broadside
2 LB 10-X w/ 20 shots R. Broadside
2 Large Pulse Lasers R. Broadside
2 ER Large Lasers R. Broadside
1 SRM-6+Artemis w/ 15 shots R. Broadside
1 LRM-20+Artemis w/ 10 shots Aft-Left
1 MRM-40 w/ 10 shots Aft-Left
1 UAC/20 w/ 20 shots Aft-Left
1 LB 10-X w/ 10 shots Aft-Left
1 Large Pulse Lasers Aft-Left
1 ER Large Lasers Aft-Left
1 SRM-6+Artemis w/ 15 shots Aft-Left
1 LRM-20+Artemis w/ 10 shots Aft-Right
1 MRM-40 w/ 10 shots Aft-Right
1 UAC/20 w/ 20 shots Aft-Right
1 LB 10-X w/ 10 shots Aft-Right
1 Large Pulse Lasers Aft-Right
1 ER Large Lasers Aft-Right
1 SRM-6+Artemis w/ 15 shots Aft-Right
2 LRM-20+Artemis w/ 20 shots Aft
2 MRM-40 w/ 20 shots Aft
2 UAC/20 w/ 40 shots Aft
2 LB 10-X w/ 20 shots Aft
2 Large Pulse Lasers Aft
2 ER Large Lasers Aft
2 SRM-6+Artemis w/ 30 shots Aft

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