TME-161 Phoenix Light Combat BattleMech

tme161phoenix.jpg (8678 bytes)     tme161phoenix.gif (3235 bytes)


Mass:  35 tons Movement Type:  Bipedal Humanoid
Power Plant:  TME 210 eXtraLight Armor Type:  TME 3050 FerroFibrous
Comm Systems:  TME Vox Et Deus Cruising Speed:  65 kph
Targeting/Tracking Systems:  
     TME 3050 Point-And-Shoot
Maximum Speed:  97 kph
Chassis:  RevEng Vixen
     1 TME/BTSTS-HLL:3060 "Blazing BigZappa" Heavy Large Laser
     2 TME/BTSTS-LATM:3060 "Honeybees" Advanced Tactical Missile 3-Racks
     2 TME/BTSTS-HML:3060 "Blazing GoodZapper" Heavy Medium Lasers


    A response to the success of jump-capable Inner Sphere scout 'Mechs, the TME-161 Phoenix shares the graceful lines of the Inner Sphere WSP-series Wasp and STG-series Stinger light 'Mechs.  Instead of performing reconnaisance and patrol duties like other light 'Mechs, the Phoenix is equipped for forward fighting against larger enemies.  Well armed and more maneuverable than the medium 'Mechs it is inteded to oppose, the Phoenix is a mobile combat platform suitable for fighting in all terrains thanks to its rear-torso mounted jump jets.


    The Phoenix carries the latest in Clan weapons technology.   Standoff firepower is concentrated in the six Advanced Tactical Missile tubes, three located in each side torso.  The killing blow comes courtesy of a heavy large laser in the right arm, supported by twin heavy medium lasers in the left arm.   Eleven double-strength heat sinks dissipate the heat produced by these weapons.


    Because the resource-starved Clans are beginning to disavow standard BattleMechs in favor of light OmniMechs and ProtoMechs, the TME-161-O is an OmniMech variant that removes the weapons and the extra heat sink to provide customizable pod space.

TME-161 Phoenix Light Combat BattleMech

35 tons Cruising MP: 6 (64.8 kph) Flank MP: 9 (97.2 kph) Jump MP: 6 (180m)
Engine:  210 XL Fusion Engine Mass:  4.5 t Cockpit Mass:  3 t Gyro Mass:  3 t
11 (22) Dbl Heat Sinks Structure Mass:  3.5t Armor Mass: 6 FF Armor Points:  115

Drawing Board Stats for the TME-161 Phoenix







ATM-3 L. Torso
Head: 9 3


20 ATM-3 shots L. Torso
Center Torso: 17 11 5 ATM-3 R. Torso
Left / Right Torso: 12 / 12 8 / 8 4 / 4 20 ARM-3 shots R. Torso
Left / Right Arm: 12 / 12 6 / 6 NA / NA Large Heavy Laser Right Arm
Left / Right Leg: 14 / 14 8 / 8 NA / NA 2 Medium Heavy Lasers Left Arm

The TME-161-O is an Clan OmniMech identical to this except that it has no integral weapons and has 12 tons of pod space.

XL Engine L/R Torso
3 Jump Jets L. Torso
3 Jump Jets R. Torso
Double Heat Sink C. Torso
Double Heat Sink Left Leg
Double Heat Sink Right Leg
Ferro Fibre slot Head
Ferro Fibre slot L. Torso
Ferro Fibre slot R. Torso
2 Ferro Fibre slots Left Arm
2 Ferro Fibre slots Right Arm

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