TME-162 Guerrilla Protomech Series

tme162guerrilla.jpg (9597 bytes)


Mass:  4 tons Movement Type:  Bipedal Humanoid
Power Plant:  TME 16 to 24 ProtoFusion Armor Type:  TME 3059 ProtoComposite
Comm Systems:  TME Vox Et Deus Cruising Speed:  45 to 65 kph
Targeting/Tracking Systems:  
     TME 3050 Enhanced Imaging
Maximum Speed:  68 to 98 kph
Chassis:  RevEng RAHST-MIPA
          1 TME/BTSTS-ETL:3060 "Pinprick" Extended Range Micro Laser
          1 TME/BTSTS-ECM:3050 "FuzzBuster" Electronic CounterMeasures Suite
          2 TME/BTSTS-SRM:3000 "Poker" Short Range Missile Tubes
          2 TME/BTSTS-LRM:3000 "Lancer" Long Range Missile Tubes
          1 TME/BTSTS-AMG:3050 "Chatterbox-Light" Low-Mass Machine Gun
          1 TME/BTSTS-HSL:3060 "Blazing Benchwarmer" Heavy Small Laser


    The TME-162 Guerrilla Series is a group of Protomechs designed to complement each other in mixed Stars.  All massing four tons, each of the three designs in the series shares the same base chassis and most of the components of the other two, easing maintenance needs.  As the name implies, these ape-like machines are intended to work together in guerrilla operations instead of conventional front-line fighting.


    The first design (TME-162-A) is the Scout model, the fastest of the three models and best equipped for reconnaissance and spotting missions.   With a top speed in excess of 90 kilometers per hour and and able to jump 180 meters over obstacles 36 meters high, the Scout has the superior mobility it needs without completely outstripping its brother models.  An integral electronic-countermeasures suite is mounted in the torso and the main gun can house either light target acquisition gear or an extended-range micro laser.  The Scout is moderately armored with 700 kilograms of composites, which provides enough protection for it to do its prescribed duties.

    The second design (TME-162-B) is the Marauder model, the model "for the guys in the ranks with the sleepy look--the executioners."   It is the best armed suit of the three, equipped with both twin short-range and twin long-range missile launchers on the shoulders.  It's main gun is a standard machine gun, intended to provide defense against unarmored infantry.  The Marauder is also equipped with heavier all-around armor, a full 42.9% improvement over the Scout's armor.  The drawback to all of this heavier equipment is that the Marauder uses a less powerful engine with more torque--leading to a maximum speed of about 65 kilometers per hour and less jump jets, allowing a jump arc 120 meters long and 24 meters high.

    The third design (TME-162-C) is the Command model, intended to strengthen vital points along the line.  Armed with a heavy small laser and the best armored of the three models, the Command suit can maintain a fight longer than its cousins.  Its speed falls directly between the Marauders and the Scouts, with a maximum speed in excess of 80 kilometers per hour and a 150 meter jump distance.


    The TME-162, unlike most Protomechs, is like the TME-156 Barrett in that it does not have the artistic styling of most Protomechs.  It does not resemble any sort of Greek monstrocity, and this is done for the purpose of manipulating the psychology of the crews using the Guerrilla.  It is not fancy, so there is no need to show it off.  This utilitarianism in design also makes it relatively simple to repair and maintain.  Unfortunately, the lack of aesthetic appeal has depressed Guerrilla sales somewhat.

    The suggested Star loadout of a Guerrilla unit is:   1 TME-162-C Command Guerrilla, 3 TME-162-B Marauder Guerrillas, and 1 TME-162-A Scout Guerrilla with light target acquisition gear (if artillery support is availiable) or an extended-range micro laser (if support is unavailiable).

TME-162-A Scout Guerrilla Reconnaissance ProtoMech

4 tons Cruising MP: 6 (64.8kph) Flank MP: 9 (97.6kph) Jump MP: 6 (180m)
Engine:  24 Fusion Engine Mass:  600kg Cockpit Mass:  500kg
0 Heat Sinks Structure Mass:  400kg Armor Mass: 700kg Armor Points:  14

tme162scout.jpg (5178 bytes)    tme162aguerrilla_scout.gif (1539 bytes)






ECM Suite Torso
Head: 2 1 Light TAG   or Main Gun
Torso: 3 4 ER Micro Laser w/ 1 HS Main Gun
Main Gun: 2 1
Left / Right Arm: 2 / 2 1 / 1
Legs: 3 3


TME-162-B Marauder Guerrilla Combat ProtoMech

4 tons Cruising MP: 4 (43.2kph) Flank MP: 6 (64.8kph) Jump MP: 4 (120m)
Engine:  16 Fusion Engine Mass:  400kg Cockpit Mass:  500kg
0 Heat Sinks Structure Mass:  400kg Armor Mass: 1,000kg Armor Points:  20

tme162marauder.jpg (6683 bytes)    tme162bguerrilla_marauder.gif (2375 bytes)






SRM-2 Torso
Head: 3 1 5 SRM-2 shots (10 missiles) Torso
Torso: 4 4 LRM-2 Torso
Main Gun: 2 1 6 LRM-2 shots (12 missiles) Torso
Left / Right Arm: 3 / 3 1 / 1 Machine Gun Main Gun
Legs: 5 3 30 MG shots Main Gun


TME-162-C Command Guerrilla Command ProtoMech

4 tons Cruising MP: 5 (54.0kph) Flank MP: 8 (86.4kph) Jump MP: 5 (150m)
Engine:  20 Fusion Engine Mass:  500kg Cockpit Mass:  500kg
3 Heat Sinks Structure Mass:  400kg Armor Mass: 1,100kg Armor Points:  22

tme162command.jpg (7259 bytes)    tme162cguerrilla_command.gif (1536 bytes)






Heavy Small Laser Main Gun
Head: 3 1
Torso: 5 4
Main Gun: 3 1
Left / Right Arm: 3 / 3 1 / 1
Legs: 5 3

     DESIGNER'S NOTE:  Quotes from Robert A. Heinlein's Starship Troopers.

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