TME-22 Terminator Assassin 'Mech

tme22terminator.jpg (24609 bytes)     tme22terminator.gif (3731 bytes)


Mass:  75 tons Movement Type:  Bipedal Humanoid
Power Plant:  TME 375 Standard Armor Type:  TME 3000 Standard w/ Baffles
Comm Systems:  TME StealthWhisper Cruising Speed:  55 kph
Targeting/Tracking Systems:  
     TME 3050 Point-And-Shoot
Maximum Speed:  85 kph
Chassis:  WZA AMPM-12
     2 TME/BTSTS-MMRM:3057 "Drizzle" Medium-Range Missile 20-racks
     4 TME/BTSTS-ML:3000 "ZapEmGood" Medium Lasers


    The TME-22 was, first of all, an experiment in advanced 3057-3059 Inner Sphere technology.  More of a test-bed than an actual production unit, the Terminator was accidentally released to the Inner Sphere in 3059.  Based loosely on the Weirdo Zone Army's old AMPM-12 Black Adder, the Terminator is a stealth BattleMech primarily useful for assassination missions and quick hits.


    Equipped with twin medium range missile twenty-racks in shoulder turrets and four medium lasers, it is not the greatest fighter in the universe.   However, it is equipped with a Null-Signature System making it difficult to detect.


    The TME-22 is not very popular, especially with its designers.  It is valued more as an experimentation with fancy things than an actual combat unit.


    There are no known variants of the Terminator.

TME-22 Terminator Heavy Assassin BattleMech

75 tons Cruising MP: 5 (54.0 kph) Flank MP: 8 (86.4 kph) Jump MP: 5 (150m)
Engine:  375 Fusion Engine Mass:  19.5 t Cockpit Mass:  3 t Gyro Mass:  4 t
15(30) Heat Sinks Structure Mass:  4t Endo Armor Mass:  12.5 t Armor Points:  197

Drawing Board Stats for the TME-22 Terminator







MRM-20 L. Turret
Head: 9 3


MRM-20 R. Turret
Center Torso: 35 23 11 2 Medium Lasers Left Arm
Left / Right Torso: 18 / 18 16 / 16 8 / 8 2 Medium Lasers Right Arm
Left / Right Arm: 20 / 20 12 / 12 NA / NA 12 MRM-20 shots L. Torso
Left / Right Leg: 25 / 25 16 / 16 NA / NA 12 MRM-20 shots R. Torso
XL Engine L/R Torso
Null Signature System Arms, Legs, and Torsos
Jump Jet Left Leg
Jump Jet Right Leg
Jump Jet L. Torso
Jump Jet C. Torso
Jump Jet R. Torso

    DESIGNER'S NOTES:    This was experimentation with some of the nifty stuff in Maximum Tech.

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