TME-33 Needler Light BattleMech

tme33needler.jpg (19838 bytes)    tme33needler.gif (2860 bytes)


Mass:  20 tons Movement Type:  Bipedal ChickenWalker
Power Plant:  TME 200 eXtraLight Armor Type:  TME 3050 Advanced FerroFibrous
Comm Systems:  TME Vox Et Deus Cruising Speed:  110 kph
Targeting/Tracking Systems:  
     TME 3050 Point-And-Shoot
Maximum Speed:  165 kph
Chassis:  AMHW ASS-1
     10 TME/BTSTS-ESL:3050 "LightLance" Advanced Extended Range Small Lasers


    The TME-33 Needler was actually initially designed by AMayberry Heavy Weapons, Incorporated (another Weirdo Zone production consortium) as the ASS-1 Ass Kicker.  Although a powerful design, the ASS-1 had one flaw--it had no armor.   When AMayberry Inc. provided TME Industries with the plans for the ASS-1, TME took it up and created the Needler--essentially the same design, but with armor.  It is one of the few pieces of Clan hardware produced by TME.


    The key to the ASS-1 was its weapons array of sixteen extended-range small lasers linked with a targeting computer.  Coupled with its blazing speed, the ASS-1 would speed to a target, focus all of its lasers at a single location, blow off a limb and speed away.  Of course, if the ASS-1 was hit, it quickly lost combat effectiveness.

    The TME-33 removed six of the lasers to provide respectable armor protection without reducing combat effectiveness too much.  The integral targeting computer, a PseudoSmart-9000 model, sits under the pilot's seat and offers both improvements to targeting and poignant witticisms ("Oooh, that's gonna hurt!" "Ow, right in the groin!" "That's no way to get ahead in life / This is no time to lose one's head.").  The PS-9000 has a readily availiable mute button, but some MechWarriors actually cultivate the computer's algorithmic personality.

    TME Industries, although providing the Clans with inexpensive versions of their weapons, were having political difficulties with certain Crusader Clans due to its primary operations in the Inner Sphere.  To smooth things out, TME provided the Clans with both the TME-33 Needler and TME-34 Armageddon, exceptional light and assault designs, respectively.  This has legitimized TME's claim of non-involvement.


    The ASS-1 is also availiable through TME Industries.  Although the Needler is somewhat more popular thanks to its armor, Ass Kicker pilots swear by their "skinless hole punchers" beyond reason.  These pilots are also usually exceptionally good at evasive skills as well.

TME-33 Needler Light Destroyer BattleMech

20 tons Cruising MP: 10 (108 kph) Flank MP: 15 (162 kph) Jump MP: 0
Engine:  200 XL Fusion Engine Mass:  4.5 t Cockpit Mass:  3 t Gyro Mass:  2 t
10 (20) Dbl Heat Sinks Structure Mass:  1t Endo Armor Mass:  3.5t Ferro Armor Points:  67

Drawing Board stats for the TME-33 Needler







4 ER Small Lasers L. Torso
Head: 9 3


4 ER Small Lasers R. Torso
Center Torso: 8 6 4 2 ER Small Lasers C. Torso
Left / Right Torso: 7 / 7 5 / 5 3 / 3 Targeting Computer Head
Left / Right Arm: 5 / 5 3 / 3 NA / NA Double Heat Sink Left Leg
Left / Right Leg: 8 / 8 4 / 4 NA / NA Double Heat Sink Right Leg

The ASS-1 Ass Kicker has no armor and adds six ER Small Lasers (3 in the Left Torso and 3 in the Right Torso)

    DESIGNER'S NOTES:    The Needler is actually the brainchild of my very good friend in Maryland, Andrew Mayberry.  His ASS-1 Ass Kicker is an exceptional design, what with the ability to concentrate 80 points of damage in a single location.  Runs hot, runs fast, blows up stuff.  I, however, am more cautious in my designs and so added some armor.  I decided that this would make a whole different 'Mech and so the TME-33 Needler was born.

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