TME-51 Sulaco Cruiser WarShip

sulaco23.gif (42181 bytes)


Mass:  1,000,000 tons Structure Type:  Linear Prism
Power Plant:  TME 3M Fusion Drive Armor Type:  TME 3050 Lamellor FerroCarbide
Comm Systems:  TME BishopLead Cruising Acceleration:  1.5G
Targeting/Tracking Systems:  
     TME 3054 Pinpointer
Maximum Acceleration:  2.5G
Spaceframe:  RevEng A-USCM Cruiser
    6 TME/BTSTS-VNML:3050 "AnyRound" AR10 Variable Missile Launchers
    6 TME/BTSTS-MNPC:3050 "Fusion Happiness" Medium Naval Particle Projection Cannon
    6 TME/BTSTS-HNL:3050 "Golden Thread" Heavy Naval Lasers
    24 TME/BTSTS-VHNAC:3050 "ThunderBlam" Very Heavy Naval Autocannon
    12 TME/BTSTS-MNAC:3050 "ThunderPop" Medium Naval Autocannon
    80 TME/BTSTS-PLL:3049 "Bren Laser" Large Pulse Lasers


    The TME-51 Sulaco is based on the hyperspatial vessel detected in the Alien Space/Time Sphere.  With moderate acceleration capability, this million-ton heavy cruiser has an adequate weapons array and superior armor.


    Extended-range perimeter fire is provided by a ring of six AR10 capital missile launchers and six strategically located heavy naval lasers.   Six medium naval particle projection cannons provide long-range cover fire, and thirty-si naval autocannon give the Sulaco a deadly close-in punch.  Eighty large pulse lasers provide point defense fire against fighters and small craft.

    Eighteen aerospace fighters act as a defensive grid for the Sulaco.  Three small craft can ferry cargo or its 560 marines in a boarding action.  Six DropShips can hitch a ride through hyperspace through six DropShip collars.


    Seven TME-51 Sulacos currently operate in the Inner Sphere, and two TME-51Cs operate in Clan Space.

TME-51 Sulaco Cruiser Rip-Off

1,000,000 tons Cruiser WarShip Safe MP: 3 (1.5G) Max MP: 5 (2.5G)
Fusion mass:  300,000 t Control Mass: 2,500t Integrity: 90 (45G) Structure Mass: 90,000t
Hyperdrive:  452,500t Hyper Integrity: 20 Jump Sail mass:  80t Jump Sail Integ:  5
Armor Mass:1800t LFC Armor Points: 1800 Fuel: 10,000 (25,000 pts) Tons/BurnDay (1G): 39.52
Fuel Pump Mass:  200t Crew: 41 officers
  204 enlisted
Gunners:  64 Marines:  560
Passengers:  200 130 Lifeboats
18 fighters 3 small craft Grav-Decks: 2 150m Cargo Mass:  71,723 t


ARMOR (Capital Scale in Parenthesis)



2590 (259)

2 NL55 Nose
Fore Left/Right:

3590 (359) / 3590 (359)

2 NPPC Nose
Aft Left/Right:

3590 (359) / 3590 (359)

AR10 w/ 5000 t ammo space Nose

1590 (159)

10 Large Pulse Lasers Nose
Heat Sinks: 5,000 (10,000) Double Sinks 4 NAC/35 Front Left
2 NAC/25 Front Left

The Clan version has Clan Large Pulse Lasers.   Increase the cargo space to 71,803 tons. Increase the armor protection by 300 (30) in each damage location.

AR10 w/ 5000 t ammo space Front Left
10 Large Pulse Lasers Front Left
4 NAC/35 Front Right
2 NAC/25 Front Right
AR10 w/ 5000 t ammo space Front Right
10 Large Pulse Lasers Front Right
2 NL55 L. Broadside
4 NAC/35 L. Broadside
2 NAC/25 L. Broadside
10 Large Pulse Lasers L. Broadside
2 NL55 R. Broadside
4 NAC/35 R. Broadside
2 NAC/25 R. Broadside
10 Large Pulse Lasers R. Broadside
4 NAC/35 Aft Left
2 NAC/25 Aft Left
AR10 w/ 5000 t ammo space Aft Left
10 Large Pulse Lasers Aft Left
4 NAC/35 Aft Right
2 NAC/25 Aft Right
AR10 w/ 5000 t ammo space Aft Right
10 Large Pulse Lasers Aft Right
AR10 Aft
10 Large Pulse Lasers Aft

    DESIGNER'S NOTE:    The nifty Sulaco graphic is from another website.  Click on the pic to go there!

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