TME-53 Tiger Fast-Attack Cruiser

tme53tiger.jpg (9449 bytes)     tme53tiger.gif (1301 bytes)


Mass:  800,000 tons Structure Type:  Linear Wedge
Power Plant:  TME 4M Fusion Drive Armor Type:  TME 3050 Lamellor FerroCarbide
Comm Systems:  TME CatsEye Cruising Acceleration:  2.5G
Targeting/Tracking Systems:  
     TME 3054 Pinpointer
Maximum Acceleration:  4G
Spaceframe:  TME Silverfish
   12 TME/BTSTS-MNPC:3050 "Fusion Happiness" Medium Naval Particle Projection Cannon
    6 TME/BTSTS-HNL:3050 "Golden Thread" Heavy Naval Lasers
    24 TME/BTSTS-ÜNAC:3050 "ThunderBoom" Über Naval Autocannon
    12 TME/BTSTS-HNAC:3050 "ThunderBang" Heavy Naval Autocannon
    40 TME/BTSTS-AMRM:3057 "Deluge" Medium Range Missile 40-Racks
    40 TME/BTSTS-PLL:3049 "Bren Laser" Large Pulse Lasers


    The TME-55 is a conventional heavy cruiser, with most of its weapons in the standard broadside arcs instead of the usual TME all-around defensive pattern.   What sets the Tiger apart from other like ships is its blazing acceleration capability -- with the capability to accelerate at 2.5g for extended periods and an emergency acceleration of 5g, the Tiger is nearly twice as nimble as its likely opponents the Black Lion- and Sovetskii Soyuz- classes.


    With two 40-class and twelve 30-class naval autocannon, twelve medium naval particle projector cannons, and six heavy naval lasers for capital weapons, it can meet the challenge of most enemy vessels.  If the fighting gets close, forty medium-range missile forty-racks and forty large pulse lasers can quickly riddle an enemy.   Its superior armor protection gives it an edge in firefights.

    The standard tactic with a Tiger is to use its superior mobility to perform a fast raking attack against an enemy vessel's front or rear (preferably rear), moving in and out of engagement range to circle around and strike again.  The Tiger's twelve assault fighters allow an additional punch and are usually launched after the enemy's fighter assets have been destroyed by the Tiger's withering standard weapon arsenal.


    The Tiger is a very popular WarShip.

TME-53 Tiger Fast-Attack Cruiser

800,000 tons Cruiser WarShip Safe MP: 5 (2.5G) Max MP: 8 (4G)
Fusion mass:  240,000 t Control Mass: 2,000t Integrity: 75 (37.5G) Structure Mass: 60,000t
Hyperdrive:  362,000t Hyper Integrity: 16 Jump Sail mass:  70t Jump Sail Integ:  5
Armor Mass:1200t LFC Armor Points: 1200 Fuel: 7,000 (17,500 pts) Tons/BurnDay (1G): 39.52
Fuel Pump Mass:  140t Crew: 34 officers
  171 enlisted
Gunners:  46 Marines:  1008
Passengers:  200 220 Lifeboats
12 fighters 2 small craft Grav-Decks: 2 150m Cargo Mass:  33,478 t


ARMOR (Capital Scale in Parenthesis)



1575 (158)

NAC/40 Nose
Fore Left/Right:

2325 (233) / 2325 (233)

3 NL55 Nose
Aft Left/Right:

2325 (233) / 2325 (233)

5 MRM-40 w/ 500 shots Nose

1575 (158)

5 Large Pulse Lasers Nose
Heat Sinks: 2,288 (4,576) Double Sinks 2 NAC/30 Front Left
2 Medium NPPC Front Left
5 MRM-40 w/ 500 shots Front Left
5 Large Pulse Lasers Front Left
2 NAC/30 Front Right
2 Medium NPPC Front Right
5 MRM-40 w/ 500 shots Front Right
5 Large Pulse Lasers Front Right
2 NAC/30 L. Broadside
2 Medium NPPC L. Broadside
5 MRM-40 w/ 500 shots L. Broadside
5 Large Pulse Lasers L. Broadside
2 NAC/30 R. Broadside
2 Medium NPPC R. Broadside
5 MRM-40 w/ 500 shots R. Broadside
5 Large Pulse Lasers R. Broadside
2 NAC/30 Aft Left
2 Medium NPPC Aft Left
5 MRM-40 w/ 500 shots Aft Left
5 Large Pulse Lasers Aft Left
2 NAC/30 Aft Right
2 Medium NPPC Aft Right
5 MRM-40 w/ 500 shots Aft Right
5 Large Pulse Lasers Aft Right
NAC/40 Aft
3 NL55 Aft
5 MRM-40 w/ 500 shots Aft
5 Large Pulse Lasers Aft

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