TME-66 Aegis II Missile Cruiser WarShip

tme66aegis2.jpg (9419 bytes)


Mass:  745,000 tons Structure Type:  Linear Cylinder
Power Plant:  TME 1.49M Fusion Drive Armor Type:  TME 3000 Standard
Comm Systems:  TME BattleScope Cruising Acceleration:  1G
Targeting/Tracking Systems:  
     TME 3054 Minuteman
Maximum Acceleration:  1.5G
Spaceframe:  SLDF Aegis-class
    160 TME/BTSTS-HNM:3050 "Shamu" Killer Whale Naval Missile Launchers
    20 TME/BTSTS-VHNAC:3050 "ThunderBlam" Very Large Naval Autocannon
    8 TME/BTSTS-HNL:3050 "Golden Thread" Heavy Naval Lasers


    The aging Aegis-class WarShip needed a lift.  Despite the facelift the Clans gave it, the obsolescent heavy cruiser remained just that--obsolescent.   After WZISS agents "acquired" a mothballed Aegis cruiser from an unused Brian Cache, TME agents stripped it of weapons and equipped it with an entirely new set of weapons.  The result of this, the TME-66 Aegis II, is a long-range bombardment craft.  Armed with expansive arrays of capital-class missiles, it can assault over ranges of several hundred kilometers.


    The basic frame retains the Aegis's basic characteristics, with identical armor and engine statistics, but the heat sinks have been upgraded to double heat sinks.  Twenty-four fighters were added for close escort, bringing the Aegis II's total fighter loadout to thirty.  The gunners that are required for the additional weapons are given quarters as are fourteen platoons of marines.

    This cruisers' primary armament consists of 160 Killer Whale heavy capital missile launchers capable of striking at extreme range.  Twenty 35-class maul targets within medium and short ranges, while eight 55-class naval lasers support the weakly armed nose and aft locations.


TME-66 Aegis II Missile Cruiser

745,000 tons Cruiser WarShip Safe MP: 2 (1G) Max MP: 3 (1.5G)
Fusion mass:  ? t Control Mass: ? t Integrity: 75 (37.5G) Structure Mass: ? t
Hyperdrive:  ? t Hyper Integrity: 15 Jump Sail mass:  ? t Jump Sail Integ:  4
Armor Mass: ? t Armor Points:  ? Fuel: 1,000 (2500 pts) Tons/BurnDay (1G): 39.52
Fuel Pump Mass:  20 t Crew: 30 officers
  120 enlisted
Gunners:  188 Marines:  392
Passengers:  none 60 Lifeboats
30 fighters 4 small craft Grav-Decks: 2 90m Cargo Mass:  36,407 t


ARMOR (Capital Scale in Parenthesis)



910 (91)

4 NL55 Nose
Fore Left/Right:

1010 (101) / 1010 (101)

10 Killer Whales w/ 100 shots Nose
Aft Left/Right:

1010 (101) / 1010 (101)

2 NAC35 w/ 120 shots Nose

910 (91)

40 Killer Whales w/ 400 shots Fore-Left
Heat Sinks: 4,092 (8,184) Double Sinks 40 Killer Whales w/ 400 shots Fore-Right
Fire Control:  3,600t 10 Killer Whales w/ 100 shots L. Broadside
8 NAC35 w/ 480 shots L. Broadside
10 Killer Whales w/ 100 shots R. Broadside
8 NAC35 w/ 480 shots R. Broadside
40 Killer Whales w/ 400 shots Aft-Left
40 Killer Whales w/ 400 shots Aft-Right
10 Killer Whales w/ 100 shots Aft
2 NAC35 w/ 120 shots Aft
4 NL55 Aft

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