TME-93 Colossus Assault BATAV

tme93colossus.jpg (26074 bytes)    tme93colossus.gif (4107 bytes)


Mass:  100 tons Movement Type:  Bipedal Walker
Power Plant:  TME 200 Internal Combustion Armor Type:  TME 3000 Standard
Comm Systems:  TME Vox Et Deus Cruising Speed:  22 kph
Targeting/Tracking Systems:  
     TME 3000 Auto Turret Tracking
Maximum Speed:  32 kph
Chassis:  RevEng ES/TDF "Apocalypse"


    The TME-93 Colossus heavy BATAV, whose initial designs were less than legal, became availiable for sale in the BattleTech S/TS in 3057 after a year of revision.  Using new compact heat sink technology, the Colossus is an effective combat platform despite having all of the disadvantages of an internal combustion engine-driven BATAV.


     Like all TME BATAV's, the Colossus is modular for maximum versatility.  The standard production model comes equipped with both a heavy 200mm autocannon and a 10-class 75mm autocannon as well as a short-range missile four-rack.   The fire support variant carries twin long-range missile twenty-racks and a short-range missile six-rack for close support.  The third and final variant carries four short-range missile six-racks and a single short-range missile four-rack for devestating close support assault barrages.

    While slower than an Atlas, the Colossus can keep up with an UrbanMech and has as much armor as its armless frame allows.  Its conventional construction and unimaginative technology makes it relatively inexpensive compared to the massive fusion reactors needed to power true BattleMechs of similar tonnage.


    The TME-93 is one of the more common BATAVs because of its durability and ability to oppose even heavy 'Mechs.

TME-93 Colossus Assault BATAV

100 tons Cruising MP: 2 (21.6 kph) Flank MP: 3 (32.4 kph) Jump MP: 0
Engine:  200 ICE Engine Mass:  17 t Cockpit Mass:  3 t Gyro Mass:  2 t
No Heat Sinks Structure Mass:  10t Armor Mass: 15 t Armor Points:  239








Prime variant

Head: 9 3


AC/20 L. Torso
Center Torso: 50 31 12 10 AC/20 shots L. Torso
Left / Right Torso: 34 / 34 21 / 21 8 / 8 AC/10 R. Torso
No Arms - - - 20 AC/10 shots R. Torso
Left / Right Leg: 42 / 42 21 / 21 NA / NA SRM-4 C. Torso


Treat "arm" hit results as misses if attacked from the front and rear; transfer to the side torsos if attacked from the sides.

Ignore all equipment placed in the arms.

25 SRM-4 shots R. Torso
4 Compact Heat Sinks R. Torso
2 Compact Heat Sinks C. Torso
4 Compact Heat Sinks Left Leg
3 Compact Heat Sinks Right Leg

Fire Support Variant

LRM-20 L. Torso
12 LRM-20 shots L. Torso
LRM-20 R. Torso
12 LRM-20 shots R. Torso
SRM-6 C. Torso
15 SRM-6 shots L. Torso
15 SRM-6 shots R. Torso
4 Compact Heat Sinks L. Torso
4 Compact Heat Sinks R. Torso
4 Compact Heat Sinks Left Leg
4 Compact Heat Sinks Right Leg

Assault Variant

2 SRM-6 L. Torso
60 SRM-6 shots L. Torso
2 SRM-6 R. Torso
60 SRM-6 shots R. Torso
SRM-4 C. Torso
25 SRM-4 shots C. Torso
7 Compact Heat Sinks L. Torso
4 Compact Heat Sinks R. Torso
4 Compact Heat Sinks Left Leg
4 Compact Heat Sinks Right Leg

    DESIGNER'S NOTE:    Yes, this is based off of the Apocalypse HERC from Earthsiege 2.  It looks cool.

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