TME-95 Pobyeda Assault Quad 'Mech

tme95pobyeda.jpg (21840 bytes)     tme95pobyeda.gif (2374 bytes)


Mass:  80 tons Movement Type:  Lupine Quadruped
Power Plant:  TME 240 Fusion Armor Type:  TME 3000 Standard
Comm Systems:  TME Vox Et Deus Cruising Speed:  31 kph
Targeting/Tracking Systems:  
     TME 3050 Battlefront
Maximum Speed:  52 kph
Chassis:  TME Cerebus44
     2 TME/BTSTS-EPPC:3050 "PlasmaPunch" Advanced Extended Range Particle Cannon
     1 TME/BTSTS-ELL:3050 "LaserArtillery" Advanced Extended Range Large Laser
     4 TME/BTSTS-EML:3050 "Starfire" Advanced Extended Range Medium Lasers
     1 TME/BTSTS-HGSRM:3050 "Accurate Roundhouse-Light" Low-Mass Streak SRM 6-Rack


    The TME-95 Pobyeda ("Nightmare" in Russian) is a Clan heavy-weapons platform.  While slow and unwieldly, it is heavily armored and carries twin extended-range particle projector cannon, five extended-range lasers (one large-class, four medium-class), and a Streak guided short-range missile six-rack with an adequate amount of heat sinks as well as jump jets to increase its versatility.  When placed in shallow water, the efficiency of the Pobyeda's leg-mounted double heat sinks doubles, increasing the heat dissipation ability of the mech by 21 percent.

TME-95 Pobyeda Assault Quad BattleMech

80 tons Cruising MP: 3 (32.4 kph) Flank MP: 5 (54.0 kph) Jump MP: 3 (120m)
Engine:  240 Fusion Engine Mass:  11.5 t Cockpit Mass:  3 t Gyro Mass:  3 t
19 (38) Dbl Heat Sinks Structure Mass:  8t Armor Mass: 16.5 t Armor Points: 263

Drawing Board Stats for the TME-95 Pobyeda







ER PPC L. Torso
Head: 9 3


ER PPC R. Torso
Center Torso: 35 25 15 ER Large Laser L. Torso
Left / Right Torso: 24 / 24 17 / 17 10 / 10 2 ER Medium Lasers L. Torso
F Left / Right Leg: 34 / 34 17 / 17 NA / NA 2 ER Medium Lasers R. Torso
A Left / Right Leg: 34 / 34 17 / 17 NA / NA Streak SRM-6 C. Torso
7 Streak SRM-6 shots Head
Double Heat Sink FL Leg
Double Heat Sink FR Leg
Double Heat Sink AL Leg
Double Heat Sink AR Leg
3 Double Heat Sinks L. Torso
3 Double Heat Sinks R. Torso
Jump Jet L. Torso
2 Jump Jets R. Torso

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