TME-PBA-01 Light Personal Battle Armor

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    With the advent of Inner Sphere powered armor in the early 3050s, TME found an opening for one of the specialties of Weirdo Zone military technology:   personal battle armor.  While Battletech S/TS powered armor is impressive, even Weirdo Zone Military Services standard Mark III/23 Moderately Powered Battle Armor could knock over those clanking toys.  TME was hard-pressed to de-tech MPCA, because of the numerous integral systems and technologies inherent in that armor.  However, history provided a solution.

    Weirdtrooper MPCA was originally based on Terran Dominion M2463-PBA "Redoubtable" Powered Battle Armor.  While still being far in advance of Battletech S/TS technology, it was much easier to adapt due to its partial reliance on myomers and its less advanced equipment.  After stripping out the personal shield generators and the advanced targeting equipment, the TME engineers had the basic "chassis" they needed.

    The end result is TME-PBA-01 Light Personal Battle Armor.   Somewhere between heavy armor and Gray Death Scout Armor in defensive qualities, LPBA is an inexpensive alternative to heavier battle armors and requires less training to use.  While normally set up much like ballistic plate armor, it can be completely contained to fight in a vacuum or under Nuclear-Biological-Chemical (NBC) conditions.   It has no built in weapons, rather allowing the wearer to wield weaponry as he normally would.  Thanks to the greater mobility afforded to the wearer of LPBA over heavier armors, he can also wield melee weapons with acceptible dexterity.

    Electronically, LPBA is very versatile.  The visor provides targeting information, superior optics technology for long range fighting, and starlight amplification and infrared scanning for night fighting.  While not usually equipped with electronic camouflage, it can be upgraded to accept any known EC variants.   Also, while it does not carry an integral jump pack, it can wear an external one much like jump-capable infantry do.

    LPBA is much like ComStar and Word of Blake Power Armor (Light), but unlike PA(L) has a self-contained power supply and somewhat simpler to operate and less expensive thanks to not having an integral camouflage package.


Non-Combat Information

Combat Statistics

Equipment Ratings:  F / D / E
Cost:  150,000 C-Bills
Weight:  N/A (100kg)
Power Use:  N/A
Power Output:  10 per second

Rangefinder/nightvision goggles
Hostile Environment Suit (vacuum capable)
2 fully-operational hands
May use jet packs
May be upgraded with camo equipment

Armor Values (M/B/E/X): 5 / 6 / 5 / 4
Coverage:  Full
Attribute Modifiers:  STR+1
Melee AP:  1
Target Size Modifier:  +0
Movement Modifier:  None


    LBPA has 3 MP and cannot jump unless fitted with external jump packs (sold separately).  LBPA has an Armor Value of 3 points, plus 1 additional point representing the trooper inside.  LBPA are armed with infantry weapons and therefore attack like Gray Death Light Scout Armor troopers.  Unlike other power armors, LPBA is inexpensive enough that entire (usually elite) platoons may be equipped with it (although this is still exceedingly rare).

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