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Your one-stop source for new-fangled Space Marine vehicles, weapons, and other such things!

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Hail, Brother Defenders of the Imperium!

    I, Techmarine Argentum of the Ultramarine Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes, have news for you--we are losing the technology race against the foes of Mankind.  The Eldar, even though their Eldritch race continues to face extinction, continue inventing and engineering new weapons technologies.  These new foes, the Tau, possess technology far beyond our own.  The Tyranids continue to hone their bioengineering to keep pace with any "new" machination of our own.  Even the Orks, with their slap-dash methidology, come up with innovative and effective (if not entirely efficient or safe) weapons systems to use against the only good in this entire Universe--namely, us.  The only foes behind us in the technology wars are the damned traitors and heretics of Chaos, and they have plenty of superdimensional Daemon assistance to make up for that.

    What do we do, brothers?  We tinker with our Rhinos and Predators.  Let's put lascannon on them.  Let us put plasma guns on them.   Although this has held us up for ten thousand years, we are reaching the limits of our using and reusing and rehashing the same technology over and over and over.  We must come up with new equipment, if nothing else, to surprise the enemy.

    In alliance with Space Marine Terminator Sergeant Timothius, I have invented several new weapons systems as well as chassis to carry them.  Some of these designs will, admittedly, be reconfigurations of current technology, but they will still be innovative enough to note.



Gauss Boltgun (Basic)
ZEUS Cannon (Support)

Predator "Zeus" (Tank)
Eagle Gunship (Speeder)
Albatross ABPC (Speeder)
Space Marine Sniper (Character)



Ork DF Missile Rack (Support) Ork Gulgog Skulltrak (Tank)
Ork Gulgog Mobtrak (APC)
Ork Battlewagon II (APC)


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