The Ultramarines

     The Ultramarines are the pinnacle of Adeptus Astartes military regimentation. Following the Codex Astartes to the letter, the Ultramarines are well versed in military science and strategy. Their blue armor can strike fear into all but the most vile foes. Using their mighty Thunderhawk gunship to transport them from orbiting motherships into the fray below, the Ultramarines are truly a mobile force that uses superior tactics to win the day.

Click to see my Halloween 2000 costume!

     I am going to make tables of all of my units with their equipment and purposes in it. Come back later for more content.


The command unit of the Ultramarines. From left to right are Techmarine Polonius, a combat repairman, armed with a boltgun (slung, not visible), power fist and Techmarine Arm; Chaplain Horatio, (basically) a morale officer, armed with a plasma pistol and Crozius Arcanum; Captain Bob, commander of the 2nd company, armed with boltgun and power fist; and Marneus Calgar, Lord of McRagge, master of the entire Ultramarines Chapter, armed with twin bolters and power fists. All wear powered armor.
The story behind Captain Bob's name: Bob is what I use as a 'generic' name--Bob the Universal Everyperson--so when in doubt, call it Bob.

These are the combat psychics of my Ultramarine force. Terminator Epistolary (level 3 psyker) Claudius is on the left, armed with Storm Bolter and Force Axe; Space Marine Codicier (level 2 psyker) Hamletius is on the right, armed with bolt pistol and Force Rod.


This is the tenth squad of the first company of the Ultramarines Chapter. Two Lightning Claw-equipped short range fighters; a Storm Bolter with Chain Fist; an Assault Cannon with power fist; and Captain Invictus with Storm Bolter, power fist, and auxiliary grenade launcher. All wear Terminator armor.
Note that Captain Invictus is black. You very rarely see integrated Space Marine forces, but I have Marines of every race... I think...

This is the fifth squad of the first company. It is a standard squad with three Storm Bolter/power fists, one heavy flamer/power fist, and a Sergeant with a Storm Bolter and power sword.
This is the 'basic' Terminator squad that came from the Space Hulk boxed game, long since out of print. The keen will note that the flamer doesn't match up, though. It was a replacement bought after the dog got the original. Stupid dog...

Tactical Squads

This is the entire first squad of the second company. It is led by Veteran Sergeant DeMann, armed with Master-Crafted bolt pistol and power axe, and consists of seven boltgunners, one plasmagunner and one tank-busting lascannon specialist. All wear power armor.

This is the fifth squad of the second company. It is a standard squad with a Sergeant with bolt pistol and chainsword, seven boltgunners, one flamer specialist and one missile launcher specialist. All wear power armor.
This is the 'basic' Tactical squad that came from the WH40K second edition boxed game. Note how all the boltgunners look identical... freaky, isn't it?

Assault Squad

This is the eighth squad of the second company. It is an eclectic mix of pistols and close combat weapons. All have power armor and jetpacks.
We collected this one over time. One poor sap has a laspistol while one freak has two power swords. I have used it effectively, though.

Now playing: Sine function by Daniel Cummerow (may angels and archangels forever praise his name!)

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