Eagle I, Second Company

eagle_flying.jpg (5523 bytes)

    The Eagle is a gunship modification of the Albatross.   Replacing the crew compartment with hardpoints for weapons and ammunition storage makes the Eagle a dedicated combat vehicle.  This bird's arsenal has some serious teeth, but the Eagle is no better armed than a Rhino and must keep moving to survive.   Armed with twin assault cannon in sponson, a multilaser in a chin turret, and a lascannon in a top turret, the Eagle packs a punch against all forms of opposition.


Vehicle SlowS CbtS FastS Ram Information Armor Protection Points Weaponry, Notes

Eagle Gunship

10" 20" 30"

Strength 8
D12 Damage
-5 Save
D6+D12+8 AP

Front Hull (1-2)
Side/Rear Hull
Weapons (3-4)
Drive Section (5-6)



Storm Bolter (F270°)
2 Assault Cannon
    (L R 180°)
Lascannon (360°)
Multilaser (360°)
Crew of 1, 10 pass.

SPECIAL NOTES:  The Eagle cannot hover nor land.  If the Eagle lands, it crashes--3" blast, S10, D4 Damage, -6 Sv. Mod


Equipment SR LR Mods Str Dmg Sv.Md Armor Penetration Notes
Assault Cannon 0-12 12-32 +1/+0 8 D10 -3 D6+D10+8 Sustained Fire 3D; Explodes on 3 Jams
Lascannon 0-20 20-60 -- 9 2D6 -6 3D6+9
Multilaser 0-20 20-60 +1/+0 6 D4 -1 D6+D4+6 Sustained Fire 3D
Storm Bolter 0-12 12-24 +1/+0 4 1 -1 D6+4 Sustained Fire 1D
Blind Autolaunchers 6 -- autohit - - - - 2" Blast; blocks LOS

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