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Anasazi Episode Synopsis

2X25: "Anasazi"
First aired: May 19, 1995

Written by:
Chris Carter

Story by:
David Duchovny and Chris Carter

Directed by:
R.W. Goodwin

Guest Stars:
Byron Chief Moon: Father
Bernie Coulson: The Thinker
Peter Donat : Bill Mulder
Nick Lea: Special Agent Alex Krycek
Mitch Pileggi: AD Skinner
Paul McLean: Agent Kautz
Floyd "Red Crow" Westerman: Albert Hosteen
Renae Morriseau: Josephine Doane
Aurelio Dinunzio: Antonio
William B. Davis: Cigarette Smoking Man
Dean Laglund: Langly
Tom Braidwood: Frohike
Bruce Harwood: Byers
Michael David Simms : Senior Agent
Ken Camroux: 2nd Senior Agent
Mitch Davies: Stealth Man

Short Synopsis:
Mulder and Scully's lives are jeopardized when an amateur computer hacker gains access to secret government files pertaining to information about UFO's.

Detailed Synopsis:
An earthquake hits New Mexico and a young Native American boy finds something shiny and metallic in the earth. He shows his grandfather the corpse found with it, that is not quite human. His grandfather tells him to put it back, because "they" are coming.

A hacker named the Thinker manages to break into the Defense Department files. This spurs calls to Japanese, German, and Italian government officials saying that the MJ files have been compromised. CSM tells his colleagues that was the phone call he was hoping never to receive.

The Lone Gunmen tell Mulder that the Thinker has obtained the Defense Department files on everthing known about UFO's since the 1940's. They add that this has caused them to be pursued by a top secret black ops unit, and they are in great danger. Suddenly, there is a shot fired from one of Mulder's neighbor's apartments. Going to investigate, he discovers that a woman has gone insane and killed her husband of 30 years.

Mulder goes to meet the Thinker, and receives a digital copy of the files. Upon trying to open them, he discovers they are encoded. Scully recognizes the language as Navajo, the language used to encrypt messages during World War II.

Meanwhile, Mulder begins to behave erratically. He verbally lashes out at Skinner, and Scully becomes concerned. Later, when Skinner approaches Mulder about the missing Defense Dept files, Mulder punches him and leaves hurriedly. Later Scully is warned that Mulder is in danger of being fired, and she is likely to be dismissed as well.

CSM visits Mulder's father. When CSM tells him of the missing files, Mr. Mulder begs him to protect Fox. CSM informs him that he will continue to protect Mulder as he has in the past.

Mulder attempts to contact X, but receives a call from his father asking him to pay him a visit immediately. When Mulder arrives, it appears that Mr. Mulder is going to reveal everything he knows from his years at the Defense Department. However, he goes to the bathroom, where Agent Krycek is waiting for him. Mulder hears a gunshot, and discovers his father's dead body.

Meanwhile, Scully drops by Mulder's apartment, and narrowly escapes the same fate. She receives a call from Mulder, and tells him of what happened. When he tells her about his father, she warns him that with his strange behavior lately, he is likely to be a suspect. He arrives at her house, looking sick. She helps him into the bed, where he passes out. When he awakes, Scully is gone, and his gun is also missing. He calls Scully to confront her, and discovers that she's at the FBI lab. When he accuses her of not believing him, she replies that she's trying to help. She's hoping to find evidence proving his gun was not the one which was used to shoot his father.

Scully then visits Mulder's apartment, hoping to find some reason for his strange personality change. She discovers that the water supply to his building is drugged, which explains his behavior, as well as the recent murder in the building.

Mulder leaves Scully's apartment, and runs into Krycek. He chases him into an alley, with his gun drawn. He is about to shoot Krycek, when Scully shoots him instead. When Mulder awakens, he's in a motel in New Mexico. When asked why she shot him, she says that she had to keep him from committing a murder. She introduces Mulder to Albert Hosteen. She explains that Albert was a code talker during World war II, and can help them translate the files on the DAT tape. She tells him that when she returns to Washington, she will try to explain his disappearance to Skinner. She urges him to stay with Albert and decode the files, since she and Albert have already decoded references to herself and Duane Barry along with a mysterious "test".

Albert speaks of a Native American tribe called the Anasazi. They disappeared 600 years ago. He believes they were abducted by "visitors", and says these visitors come back occasionally even now.When Mulder is feeling up to it, Albert's grandson takes him to the place where he found the alien corpse. As Mulder is standing at the site, he receives a call from CSM, telling him that his father is the one who authorized the project.

Mulder sees alien bodies stacked upon each other, in a train refrigeration car buried underground. He calls Scully, who tells him that she has discovered in the files that Nazi scientists were granted amnesty after World War II in return for their continued experiments on people, or "merchandise", as the files say. Mulder replies that he is looking at bodies, but they are definitely not human. He enters the boxcar and discovers that the bodies have small-pox vaccination scars.

Just then, CSM and a group of soldiers arrive by helicopter. They enter the boxcar, but cannot find Mulder. CSM, suspecting Mulder is there, orders the car set on fire as they leave.

To Be Continued

Quotable Quotes:

Mulder in the boxcar on the phone to Scully: "Oh my God, Scully.
What have they done?"

CSM: "Nothing vanishes without a trace."