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Conduit Episode Synopsis

Episode 1X04: "Conduit"

Original air date: October 1, 1993

Written by:
Alex Gansa
Howard Gordon

Directed by:
Daniel Sackheim

Guest stars:
Carrie Snodgress: Darlene Morris
Joel Palmer: Kevin Morris
Charles Cioffi: Section Chief Scott Blevins
Taunya Dee: Ruby Morris
Michael Cavanaugh: Sheriff
Shelley Owens: Tessa
Don Thompson: Holtzman
Don Gibb: Kip
Akiko Morison: Leza Atsumi
Anthony Harrison: 4th Man
Glen Roald: M. E. Worker
Mauricio Mercado: Coroner

Short Synopsis:
A teenage girl is abducted by aliens, compelling Mulder to confront
feelings about his own sister's disapearance.

Detailed Synopsis:
A teenage girl, sleeping near her little brother, disappears at a campsite near Lake Okobogee, which Mulder describes as a "UFO hot spot." Mulder seeks out the case, and Scully is officialy told of his sister's abduction 21 years earlier.

The missing girl, Ruby, is the daughter of a woman who reported a UFO sighting in 1967. The little brother has been acting strangely, writing down a binary number sequence that Mulder sends to Washington. Shortly after, agents grab the boy and mother, saying the code was a highly classified defense satellite transmission.

Mulder and Scully examine the campsite and find the body of Ruby's boyfriend. Scully believes the man and the missing girl were killed by a friend and tells Mulder to stop looking for his own sister. Back at the house, they notice that the boy has arranged page after page of numbers on the floor, which from above reveals a picture of Ruby.

Returning to the woods, the agents find Ruby, unconsious but alive. In the hospital, she shows symptoms of prolonged weightlessness, but her mother doesn't want her daughter to be ridiculed by discussing what happened.

Mulder sits alone in church, crying for his sister. Meanwhile, Scully listens to Mulder's hypnotic regression therapy tapes. He recalls a voice telling him his sister would be okay. Asked if he believes the voice, Mulder can only say, "I want to believe."