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Jersey Devil Episode Synopsis

Episode 1X05: "Jersey Devil"

Original air date: October 8, 1993

Written by:
Chris Carter

Directed by:
Joe Napolitano

Guest stars: Michael MacRae: Ranger Peter Boulle
Gregory Sierra: Dr. Diamond
Wayne Tippit: Detective Thompson
Claire Stansfield: Jersey Devil
Jill Teed: Glenna
Tamsin Kelsey: Ellen
Andrew Airlie: Rob
Bill Dow: Dad
Hrothgar Mathews: Jack
Jayme Knox: Mom
Scott Swanson: 1st Officer
Sean O'Byrne: 2nd Officer
David Lewis: Young Officer
D. Neil Monk: SWAT Team Officer

Short Synopsis:
Scully and Mulder investigate murders thought to be done by the
legendary man-beast living in the New Jersey woods.

Detailed Synopsis:
Opening in 1947, a man is pulled from his car and with his leg bitten off. Police search the woods and kill a large, unseen creature.

Cut to the present, a homeless man is found partially eaten and bite marks that appear human. Mulder suspects the Jersey Devil, but Scully dismisses it as a folk tale. She leaves Mulder to investigate it alone, while she goes to her godson's birthday party.

Mulder talks to some of the homeless, who tell him they've seen the creature and the police know about it as well. Mulder stakes out the spot and catches a glimpse of the beast, but he gets arrested. This convinces him that the police are covering up the attacks to protect the tourism industry.

Mulder wants Scully to help him on the case, but she refuses to cancel her date, saying "unlike you, Mulder, I would like to have a life." Later a park ranger tells Mulder he found the body of a male creature in the woods and turned over to authorities. Mulder theorizes that since his death, the creature's mate has moved to the city to find food.

Mulder chases the beast woman and is trapped by her, but Scully arrives and scares her away. The creature flees into the woods, where the police kill her. An examination finds a human bone in her digestive system.

Scully cancels a second date to work on the case with Mulder. When Mulder asks, "Don't you have a life?," she snaps back, "Keep it up, Mulder, and I'll hurt you like that Beast Woman did." Meanwhile, as a father and son hike through the woods, we see a child of the two creatures hiding in the brush.