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Special Agent Fox Mulder

Fox William Mulder was born on October 13, 1961 in Chilmark MA. His parents are Bill and Marteena Mulder. Bill Mulder worked for the Defense Department, but the exact nature of his work remains unknown. In 1973, when Fox was twelve and his younger sister was eight, Samantha was abducted from their house. She was never seen again. Bill and Teena eventually divorced, due to the strain on the family due to Samantha's disappearance.

Fox attende Oxford University, where he attained a Bachelors degree in Psychology in 1982. In 1984, he entered the FBI Training Academy at Quantico. In 1988, he was assigned to the Violent Crimes Unit, where he gained a reputation as a Criminal Profiler.

In 1989, Fox underwent regression hypnosis, due to the unresolved questions surrounding his sister Samantha's disappearance. While under hypnosis, he remembered several details from that night. He told of seeing a bright light, and sensing a presence in the room, then seeing Samantha transported out of the room by an unseen force. These details led Fox to believe that his sister Samantha was a victim of alien abduction.

He became obsessed with the idea of finding her, and in 1991 convinced his superiors to assign him to the X-Files, the name given to the FBI cases which have never been solved. These are often the stranger cases, involving alien sightings, alien abductions, etc. At first, he reported to the head of the Violent Crimes Unit, Section Chief Blevins. Later, Assistant Director of the FBI Walter Skinner was assigned to oversee the X-Files.

In 1991, Chief Blevins assigned Agent Dana Scully to the X-Files as Mulder's partner. He informed her that he wanted her to determine the scientific validity of the findings of Agent Mulder in regard to the X-Files.

In 1994, Fox Mulder and Dana Scully were split up and reassigned to different sections of the FBI. The X-Files had been shut down. In October 1994, Agent Alex Krycek was assigned to be Mulder's new partner. Shortly afterward, Agent Scully mysteriously disappeared. Mulder's insistence that it was a threat against him to stay away from the X-Files led A.D. Skinner to reopen the X-Files. Mulder's new partner Krycek also disappeared, which led Mulder to suspect his involvement in Scully's abduction. In November, Agent Scully was found in an ICU in Georgetown, and nobody could explain how she arrived there or who brought her. Upon Scully's recovery she returned to the FBI to continue her work with Mulder on the X-Files.

Fox Mulder continues his work on the X-Files to this day, regardless of the numerous deaths of family and friends in an attempt to stop him. He has been warned of plans for the destruction of the human race, and subsequent colonization of the earth by aliens. He is determined to use his work on the X-Files to uncover these plans and stop them.